[CM Review] Suddenly My Flight Got Canceled? Why?
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CM Playground

[CM Review] Suddenly My Flight Got Canceled? Why?

What's up! This is CM Flint.

Today, instead of a review video, I’m going to review today’s game in a post.

Do you often travel abroad?

These days, the exchange rate is very volatile, so if you choose a good country to travel to, you can travel abroad cheaply.

In particular, I’ve heard that Japan's exchange rate has dropped significantly so it's a great time to travel there.

(The low exchange rate is perfect for my hobby activities!)

Unfortunately, today is not about traveling to Japan.

Today’s review is about a game where your goal is to manage an airline company

and ensure there are no disruptions to the flights.

The game we're reviewing today is Fly Corp.

▶ Fly Corp (STOVE Link)

The main screen is as clear as the sky, which makes me feel good, so let’s start the game.

In this game, you are an executive at a famous airline.

But since you’re a rookie executive, you can’t know everything from the start, right?

Then, let’s start with the game tutorial.

When you first enter the game, you will be greeted by the first step as an employee of Fly Corp.

Seeing the neat and empty game screen, I feel once again that I’m starting a new game.

The first cities given to you are the four major cities in Germany: Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, and Stuttgart.

I’m not sure what to do with these cities yet, but I hope the tutorial explains it well.👏👏

Now let’s learn the basic controls and how to adapt to this game through the tutorial.

Usually, tutorials are kind, but this game’s tutorial sometimes speaks informally.

Well, it’s not a big deal, so it doesn’t bother me much.

Let’s connect the cities with flights so that passengers can travel between cities by air.

Each capital city, like Berlin, is marked with a special symbol to indicate it’s a capital.

It kind of looks like a target. 😁

Once you connect all the cities and set up the flights, the basic preparations are complete.

Now, all you need to do is unlock new territories and connect flights whenever a new city is revealed.

However, you must continuously manage the flights so that the airport can handle the enough number of passengers.

Now that the tutorial is over, let’s move on to the main stage!

This time, we’ll play the “Discover the World” mode.

In this mode, you must unlock a new country every 6 minutes, and the goal is to unlock all the countries in the world.

In the earlier tutorial, we only discovered the cities in Germany and its neighboring European countries,

but now I’m looking forward to unlocking other countries outside of Europe in this mode.

The beginning doesn’t seem much different from the tutorial.😀

The only difference is that I can see a few more countries that were hidden by the tutorial window earlier.

Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria—it looks like we have a long way to go.

I don’t know what year it is, but a financial crisis has hit the world.

The finance department is pressuring us to cut ticket prices in half for the next week, 

or the number of passengers will be cut in half.

In this situation, I have no choice but to compromise. 😰

Another big problem has arisen. 

Due to the mode requirement, I must unlock a new country every 6 minutes,

but I’ve run out of money with less than a minute left.

I need 343 more funds to unlock Slovakia.😱

With only 50 seconds left, I’m worried if I can gather enough funds in time.

Moreover, with ticket prices cut in half due to the financial crisis, meeting the requirement doesn’t seem easy.

As I worried, I failed to gather enough funds in time, so we couldn’t unlock the territory. 😥😥

If only ticket prices weren’t cut in half, I could have gathered enough funds in time, which makes it even more disappointing.

Still, I’m satisfied with how far I got on the first attempt.

Through several reviews, I’ve realized that I like games that are easy to understand but hard to master.

In this sense, Fly Corp is easy to learn in the tutorial, but as the number of cities increases,

there are more things to consider, making it a good game.

It’s currently available on STOVE, so if you have any chance, I highly recommend playing it!

Fly Corp, with its simple UI, becomes more complex and challenging as more cities are added and unexpected situations arise!

▶ Fly Corp (STOVE Link)

Thank you.

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