異域戰記官方論壇 - STOVE
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작성 시간8 小時前

2/11 (Tue) Update Notice (2/11 7:05 Edited) [4]

The Action Anime, OUTERPLANE Hello Masters. This is GM Proxxon. Let’s take a look at what we have in store for you in this week’s update. Players will be able to experience this update in-game following the maintenance. Please see below for more details. ■ Additional details 1. Added Kappa's costume image. 1. New Hero Ember Drop Rate Up! - Knight of Flame Ember, who maximizes Burned Attacks and performs the role of a Defender Sweeper, will be joining us during the upcoming Drop Rate Up event. # Name: Ember # Element: Fire # Battle Type: Defender # Subclass: Sweeper # Schedule: 02/11/25 (Tue) after the maintenance – 03/11/25 (Tue) before the maintenance ※ The new hero, Ember, will be added to Normal Recruit after the 02/25 (Tue) update. 2. Bryn Drop Rate Up!  - Bryn, a hero with powerful attacks that penetrate the enemy's defense will be joining us during the upcoming Drop Rate Up event. # Name: Bryn # Element: Fire # Battle Type: Mage # Subclass: Wizard # Schedule: 02/11/25 (Tue) after

8 小時前
작성 시간8 小時前

[Maintenance] 2/10 (Mon) Update Maintenance

The Action Anime, OUTERPLANE Hello, Masters! This is GM Proxxon. We would like to inform you that we will have an update on 2/10(Mon). Please see below for more details. ◈ Maintenance Schedule - 2/10(Mon) 23:30 - 2/11 (Tue) 04:00 UTC ◈ Details - Hero Drop Rate Up ㄴ New: Knight of Flame Ember ㄴ Returning: Ultimate Idol Bryn - New Hero Ember's Side Story added - New Event Story [Eseph Chocolate Squad] - World Boss New Season Begins Please Note - Please log out of your game before the maintenance to ensure that your game data is stored properly. - Players will not be able to access OUTERPLANE during the maintenance. - The maintenance schedule is subject to change. - The coupon page and the Drops page cannot be accessed during the maintenance period. We appreciate your patience and hope that you will enjoy this update! For more information, please refer to the [Update Notice] We will do our best to provide you with even better service. Thank you.

8 小時前
작성 시간2025.01.31

[Issue] Known Issues Following the 1/24 Update (2/5 1:36 Edited) [1]

The Action Anime, OUTERPLANE Hello, Masters! This is GM Proxxon. The following issues have been discovered. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused. 1. An issue where the repurchase period for the [3★ Hero Piece Exchange Ticket] item in 'Resource Shop > Friendship Point' is incorrectly applied to some owners. → We're checking the details and have suspended the sale of this item temporarily. → The issue has been resolved via the patch on 2/4 (Tue) 2. An issue where team formation info for Joint Challenge Ranking being replaced by the latest team that was used for ‘Sweep’ feature. → We are currently looking into this issue. → The issue has been resolved via the patch on 2/4 (Tue) 3. An issue when the transcendence of a hero ‘Gnosis Beth’ is lower than 6 stars, duration of her buff, ‘Retribution's Dominion’, not being displayed, and its effect not ceasing after the right amount of intended duration. Once again we apologize for any inconvenience caused. We will continu

작성 시간2025.01.23

Developer's Note #11: Planned Improvements for 2025 [3]

Hello, Masters! This is Moonsoo Hyun, the producer of OUTERPLANE. This marks our first greetings in the year 2025 for our Masters. We sincerely wish you a healthy and happy year ahead. Our OUTERPLANE development team has been analyzing play data and feedback from our Masters in 2024 to explore ways to provide even better experiences and enjoyment in 2025. Contrary to our predictions, we've found that certain areas caused discomfort for Masters, and there were discrepancies between the most used content and actual participation, so we are working on how to address these issues. We are also considering how to offer new and enjoyable content for those who have been playing OUTERPLANE long term. First, to ensure that long time OUTERPLANE Masters do not experience inconvenience or fatigue from the game, we will continue making improvements to convenience, and based on the data we've gathered, we aim to develop future systems/content in a way that allows more Masters to enjoy the game. Regar



작성 시간8 小時前

[Maintenance] 2/10 (Mon) Update Maintenance

The Action Anime, OUTERPLANE Hello, Masters! This is GM Proxxon. We would like to inform you that we will have an update on 2/10(Mon). Please see below for more details. ◈ Maintenance Schedule - 2/10(Mon) 23:30 - 2/11 (Tue) 04:00 UTC ◈ Details - Hero Drop Rate Up ㄴ New: Knight of Flame Ember ㄴ Returning: Ultimate Idol Bryn - New Hero Ember's Side Story added - New Event Story [Eseph Chocolate Squad] - World Boss New Season Begins Please Note - Please log out of your game before the maintenance to ensure that your game data is stored properly. - Players will not be able to access OUTERPLANE during the maintenance. - The maintenance schedule is subject to change. - The coupon page and the Drops page cannot be accessed during the maintenance period. We appreciate your patience and hope that you will enjoy this update! For more information, please refer to the [Update Notice] We will do our best to provide you with even better service. Thank you.

8 小時前
작성 시간2025.02.04

[Maintenance] 2/4 (Tue) Patch Notice

The Action Anime, OUTERPLANE Hello, Masters! This is GM Proxxon. We will carry out a patch to fix issues in the game. Please note that players mayexperience some server instability during this time. We kindly ask for your understanding.Please see below for more information. ◈ Patch Schedule - 2/4(Tue) 07:30 ~ UTC ※ It will be applied sequentially within the specified timeframe. ◈ Details - An issue in the game will be fixed. ㄴ Corrected some mistranslated texts. ㄴ Team formation info refresh error for Joint Challenge Ranking fixed. ㄴ Fixed an issue where purchase limit period for ‘3★ Hero Piece Selective Exchange Ticket’ from Resource Shop → Friendship Point Shop being incorrectly applied for some players. → The item will be available on the shop after applying the fix. Notice - Players may experience some server instability. Once the patch is distributed, additional data will be downloaded when you log in again. - After downloading the patch, you will be able to access the game's impr

작성 시간2025.01.30

[Notice] Regarding Outer Reward Points for the [Reaper and Gangster]

The Action Anime, OUTERPLANE Hello. This is GM Proxxon. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the lack of guidance regarding the Outer Rewards Board points that should be awarded for clearing [Reaper and Gangster] Hard Stages. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and have prepared a compensation plan. Please check the following information. ◈ Information on [Reaper and Gangster] Event Dungeon Outside Reward Points 1) Content - The amount of Outer Reward Points awarded for the [Reaper and Gangster] Event Dungeon Hard stages was intended to be 20 points, but it was incorrectly noticed that 30 points will be awarded for all the Event Dungeons Hard stages. 2) Response - Compensation: 500 Outer Reward Points - Date: 25/1/31 by mail (7 days storage period) - Claim Period: 1/31(Fri) 2:00 ~ 2/28(Fri) 14:59 (UTC) Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Thank you.

작성 시간2025.01.24

[Notice] Holiday Service Hours Announcement

The Action Anime, OUTERPLANE Hello Masters. This is GM Proxxon. We would like to inform you that due to the Lunar New Year holiday in South Korea, customer service operations will be temporarily suspended. Please see below for more details. ■ Holiday Service Hours Announcement - Affected Dates: 1/27 (Mon) ~ 1/30 (Thu) During the holidays - Details: Customer Service Operation Suspension (1:1 Inquiry response) - You can visit the customer service website during the holidays. (1:1 Inquiry registration will be available) We will do our best to respond as fast as possible to the 1:1 Inquiries from 1/31 (Fri). Thank you.

작성 시간2025.01.24

[Notice] 1/23 (Thu) Battle Pass Details

The Action Anime, OUTERPLANE Hello. This is GM Proxxon. We would like to provide information regarding the newly added Battle Pass following the update on 1/23 (Thu). Please see below for more details. ◈ Battle Pass Details - Sales period: 1/23 (Thu) after the maintenance ~ 2/10 (Mon) 22:00 UTC - Details: During this period, the ‘Milk Chocolate Iota' will be available for sale. - How to Purchase: To purchase, go to the Lobby and tap the rolling banner at the bottom left corner. ※ Costumes can only be equipped if you own the corresponding hero. ※ Players will be able to obtain 'Milk Chocolate Iota' Costume by purchasing the Special Pass. Item Purchase Limit Price Milk Chocolate Iota Once per account Premium: 10.99 USD Special: 19.99 USD We hope for your continued interest and support! Thank you.

작성 시간2025.01.23

[Maintenance] 1/23 (Thu) Update Maintenance (Complete)

The Action Anime, OUTERPLANE Hello, Masters! This is GM Proxxon. The maintenance was successfully completed on 1/24(Tue) at 03:00 UTC, which is ahead of the initially scheduled duration. ◈ Maintenance Compensation - Compensation: 200 Ether (Delivered to your in-game mailbox, Storage Period: 7 Days) - Claim Period: 1/24 (Fri) after the maintenance ~ 1/25 (Sat) 14:59 (UTC) please update to the latest version (v 1.2.74) for a more stable service. ※ If the update does not appear in your store, please see below! ◈ How to Update [iOS] 1) Please search for [OUTERPLANE] on the App Store, then download and install the update. 2) If the latest update does not display in your app store, please restart your device and check again. [Android] 1) Go to [Google Play Store > tap the profile icon on the top left of the screen > Manage apps & device] and tap on the update button next to OUTERPLANE 2) If the latest update does not display in your Google Play Store, go to [Apps > Google Play Store > Storag


Current Events

작성 시간2025.02.03

[Event] Special Request: Ecology Study Drop Rate Up Event [3]

The Action Anime, OUTERPLANE Hello, Masters! This is GM Lisha. Our ongoing project to support your growth continues. The event featuring a 30% increased drop rate chance for Special Request: Ecology Study is about to begin! ✨ Schedule - 2/4 (Tue) 00:00 ~ 2/10 (Mon) before the maintenance ✨ Details - During the event period, there will be a 30% increased drop rate chance for gears, hammers, and Clear Tickets when clearing Special Request: Ecology Study. Don't miss out on this opportunity to acquire more items! ✨ Hot Time Details - 30% increased drop rate chance items will be granted when clearing Special Request: Ecology Study during the event period. Please Note - The above Hot Time will only be applied during the event period. - The event details are subject to change. Thank you.

작성 시간2025.01.27

[Event] Push Event (1/28~2/10)

The Action Anime, OUTERPLANE Hello, Masters! This is GM Lisha. Login to receive abundant rewards! Special gifts available for 7 days during the event, don’t miss out! ◈ Special Push Event ✨ Schedule - 1/28 (Tue) - 2/10 (Mon) ✨ Details - Special Push Rewards will be given for 14 days ✨ Event Rewards Date Reward Claim Time (UTC) Reward 1/28 (Tue) ⭐ 03:00 ~ 15:00 50 Stamina + Bandit Chase Ticket x1 Bounty Hunter Ticket x1 Upgrade Stone Retrieval Ticket x1 10:00 ~ 22:00 50 Stamina + Blue Stardust x20 1/29 (Wed) ⭐ 03:00 ~ 15:00 50 Stamina + Bandit Chase Ticket x1 Bounty Hunter Ticket x1 Upgrade Stone Retrieval Ticket x1 10:00 ~ 22:00 50 Stamina + Special Recruitment Ticket(Event) x10 1/30 (Thu) ⭐ 03:00 ~ 15:00 50 Stamina + Bandit Chase Ticket x1 Bounty Hunter Ticket x1 Upgrade Stone Retrieval Ticket x1 10:00 ~ 22:00 50 Stamina + Blue Stardust x20 1/31 (Fri) 03:00 ~ 15:00 50 Stamina + Bandit Chase Ticket x1 Bounty Hunter Ticket x1 10:00 ~ 22:00 50 Stamina + Master's Hammer x5 Upgrade Stone R

작성 시간2025.01.24

[Event] Find the Owner of the Shoe♬ Event [29]

The Action Anime, OUTERPLANE Hello. This is GM Lisha. Oh no! It seems like someone left one of their shoes behind. Masters! Can you guess which hero the shoe belongs to? Find the owner of the shoe from the options below! All Masters who help find the owner of the shoe will receive a delicious Steak Dish as a reward💖 ■ Find the Owner of the Shoe♬ Event ① Rey ② Gnosis Beth ③ Bryn ④ Dianne 1. Event Period: 1/24 (Fri) – 2/10 (Mon) 14:59 UTC 2. How to Participate: 1) Find the owner of the shoe in the image! 2) Leave a comment following the provided format: [Nickname/Server/Choice] 3. Event Reward: Steak Dish x5 ㄴ Event rewards will be sent to your mailbox on 2/14 (Fri). (Storage period: 7 days) * Please Note! - Please be sure to enter your nickname and server accurately in order to receive your prize. - Event participation will be counted based on the nickname you provide when participating in the event. - If your entry does not follow the event format, you may not receive the reward. - Pa

작성 시간2025.01.24

[Event] Gnosis Dahlia Drop Rate Up!

The Action Anime, OUTERPLANE Hello, Masters! This is GM Lisha. We would like to provide information on the 《Gnosis Dahlia》 Recruit Chance. ◈ Recruit Chance ✨ Schedule - 1/24 (Fri) after the maintenance ~ 2/10 (Mon)before the maintenance ✨ Details - A recruit will be held during the event period. ◈ Target Hero 《Gnosis Dahlia》 Recruit Rate Chart Have not cleared Area 10 in Normal Mode + Have not cleared Skyward Tower 100F Category Total Rate Details Individual Rate 3★ Hero 2.5% Gnosis Dahlia 1.25% 3★ Hero 0.0284% 2★ Hero 19% 2★ Hero 0.9048% 1★ Hero 78.5% 1★ Hero 8.7222% Clear Normal Mode Category Total Rate Details Individual Rate 3★ Hero 2.5% Gnosis Dahlia 1.25% 3★ Hero 0.0278% 2★ Hero 19% 2★ Hero 0.9048% 1★ Hero 78.5% 1★ Hero 8.7222% Clear Normal Mode + Clear Skyward Tower 100F Category Total Rate Details Individual Rate 3★ Hero 2.5% Gnosis Dahlia 1.25% 3★ Hero 0.0272% 2★ Hero 19% 2★ Hero 0.9048% 1★ Hero 78.5% 1★ Hero 8.7222% ✨ Mileage Recruit System - Each recruitment increases Limite


General Discussion

작성 시간2025.02.08

Fix Terminus Island Skip battle! [1]

still can't skip the battles

작성 시간2025.01.19

how the fk you clear this [1]


작성 시간2024.12.31

"Draw" character change daily? [5]

heh~ now I'm looking foward for tomorrow since we got Eve and Tio on those 2 days xD

작성 시간2024.12.31

Demiurge coins [1]

Sup people? Happy new year first of all. Please, do anyone knows how get demiurge coins now? Those missions just disappear

작성 시간2024.12.30

Demiurge Beth jp voice

Turn back, Turn back, TURN BACK!!!!!

작성 시간2024.12.30

Can't save Demiurge pulls daily anymore [2]

But then again doing those mission everyday was annoying, since the change of ticket to ticket(Event) I have a backfoot with this developer


Media Archives

작성 시간2025.02.05

[Goddess of Fortune Kappa] Mobile Wallpaper

The Action Anime, OUTERPLANE Hello, Masters! This is GM Lisha. We are excited to announce that mobile wallpapers featuring Goddess of Fortune Kappa, are now available. You can set them as your background on a variety of mobile devices. [Resolution] - 1440 X 2560 - 1440 X 2880 - 1440 X 3200

작성 시간2025.02.04

[Dianne] Mobile Wallpaper

The Action Anime, OUTERPLANE Hello, Masters! This is GM Lisha. We are excited to announce that mobile wallpapers featuring Dianne, are now available. You can set them as your background on a variety of mobile devices. [Resolution] - 1440 X 2560 - 1440 X 2880 - 1440 X 3200

작성 시간2025.01.31

✨ Discover the Calendar of this month!

The Action Anime, OUTERPLANE Hello, Masters!This is GM Lisha. You can check the Calendar of this month featuring "Gnosis Beth" in different sizes and high quality. ❤ [Resolution] - 1440 X 2560 - 1440 X 2880 - 1440 X 3200

작성 시간2025.01.30

[White Chocolate Notia] Mobile Wallpaper [1]

The Action Anime, OUTERPLANE Hello, Masters! This is GM Lisha. We are excited to announce that mobile wallpapers featuring White Chocolate Notia, are now available. You can set them as your background on a variety of mobile devices. [Resolution] - 1440 X 2560 - 1440 X 2880 - 1440 X 3200


Video Archives

작성 시간8 小時前

Knight of Flame Ember

Introducing bright-eyed polar bear demibeast, Ember, to the Masters! Discover more about Knight of Flame Ember by watching this video!

8 小時前
작성 시간2024.12.27

Gnosis Beth [2]

Introducing Gnosis Beth, who dreams of bloody revenge, to the Masters! Discover more about Gnosis Beth by watching this video!

작성 시간2024.12.16

Holy Night's Blessing Dianne

Hubby♡ Santa has come with gifts! Introducing Holy Night's Blessing Dianne to the Masters! Discover more about Holy Night's Blessing Dianne by watching this video!

작성 시간2024.12.02

The Memorizer Caren [6]

Introducing Caren, the former Irregular researcher, to the Masters! Discover more about The Memorizer Caren by watching this video!


Hero Compendium

작성 시간2024.12.30

Gnosis Beth


작성 시간2024.12.17

Holy Night's Blessing Dianne [14]


작성 시간2024.12.05

Caren [6]


작성 시간2024.11.19




Offical 4-Cut Cartoon

작성 시간2023.05.02

[Official 4-cut cartoon] Ep.6, Timing Is Everything! [1]

The official OUTERPLANE 4-cut Cartoon by donmini! Can't resist Break. The most important thing is perfect timing! #OUTERPLANE #OUTERPLANE4cutcartoon #TimingIsEverything!

작성 시간2023.04.11

[Official 4-cut Cartoon] Ep.5, Know When to Brag [2]

The official OUTERPLANE 4-cut Cartoon by donmini! Princess Stella is waiting for the Hero who can save Mirsha. Can she finally meet the Hero this time? #OUTERPLANE #OUTERPLANE4cutCartoon #KnowWhenToBrag

작성 시간2023.04.04

[Official 4-cut Cartoon] Ep.4, Frost Elves Can't Take the Heat

The official OUTERPLANE 4-cut Cartoon by donmini! Troublemaker Frost Elf, Snow. How far will she go to avoid the heat? #OUTERPLANE #OUTERPLANE4cutCartoon #FrostElfCantTakeTheHeat

작성 시간2023.03.28

[Official 4-cut Cartoon] Ep.3, The Mage and Her Cat

The official OUTERPLANE 4-cut Cartoon by donmini! Meet Proxxon, a proud fiend, and Lisha, a mage girl. How's their chemistry? #OUTERPLANE #OUTERPLANE4cutcartoon #TheMage_and_HerCat
