Log-in Issue (Asia 1 Server) [3]
Hope you can review and fix this concern in Asia 1 server. It's sad that i've already missed out on lot of dailies.
I thought it was my internet connection at first, but it seems i don't have any issues logging-in to other servers using the same account. I've already tried to uninstall and reinstall the game but no luck.
It might be caused by busy server due to players traffic playing actively in the same server/channel.
Thank you in advance and more power!
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Thank you Serisa. I've already tried but no reply yet. I hope they will notice the concern.
How i wish there is a cross-server transfer since i have no issue in Global server.
oof try contacting them via customer support on the bottom left of here and they will usually respond 1:1 as soon as possible
they might be off on saturdays and sundays like other companies though