작성 시간 01.23.2024

Dec-Jan Best Tips and Strategies Winner

The Action Anime, OUTERPLANE Hello,This is GM Lisha. We would like to thank everyone who participated in the [event]. I am pleased to announce the winners of the event! 1. Event Schedule: 12/11/23 (Mon) ~ 1/8/24 (Mon) 14:59 UTC 2. Eligibility: All participants 3. Event Reward: ㄴ Best Tip (3Winners): 1,500 Ether Stove Nickname Title URL STOVE169327354****** Skyward Tower Hard Floor 27 [URL] INDO*** Special request: identification, Ars Nova - stage 10 tips [URL] kuku9*** Special Request: Identification Dark / Light Stage 10 [URL] ㄴ 3 Lucky Winners: Dolly Pack Stove Nickname STOVE169490110****** Df** STOVE1662***** 4> Rewards Distribution Date (Best Tip) - 01/23 (Tue) 08:00 UTC ※ The reward has been successfully distributed to the Masters whose in-game names we have confirmed. ※ For those Masters whose in-game name we were unable to verify, we have left a comment under the Tip and Strategies post you published, asking you to submit your account information. Please submit a 1:1 request con

2024.01.23 08:00