11/02 (Thu) Update Content
Epic Seven
  • Official Community
  • Turn-Based RPG
  • Smilegate Holdings

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Game Maintenance


Game Maintenance

[Update] 11/02 (Thu) Update Content [27]


Hello, Heirs! This is GM Dominiel!


* Please note that for this week, no maintenance will be required, and the update will be applied automatically.

Please see below for more details.


1. Advent Side Story - Kiss of Frost


Elisia of the Ice is back!

Challenge this Side Story and acquire Dark Connection, Greater Modification Gems, and a variety of rewards.


■ Schedule

11/2 (Thu) 03:00 ~ 11/16 (Thu) 02:59 UTC


■ How to Enter

After clearing Episode 2 Chapter 10-10 Twisted Core,  go to the Lobby and tap the Side Story icon.


■ How to Play

- The stage difficulties consist of 3 levels, Hard/Hell/Epic Hell.

- Players may select a higher difficulty after successfully clearing the one before it.

- Epic Hell difficulty can be cleared up to 3 times during the side story period.



[Event Currency]





Regular Currency

[White Snake Scales]

They're as cold and transparent as the ice touched by Elisia's breath.



Special Currency

[White Snake Fangs]

Sharp fangs that are filled with bitter coldness.

Epic Hell



[Enhanced Element]


Enhanced Element


Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Level 1

Two heroes of the same element.

+20% Speed

+20% Max Health

+20% Attack

Level 2

Three heroes of the same element.

+40% Speed

+40% Max Health

+40% Attack

※ Advent Side Story does not provide any EXP, Friendship EXP, and Penguin Mileage.



- Players will be able to exchange the event currency, White Snake Scale, and White Snake Fangs for items in the Exchange.

- Players will be able to exchange event currency for items up to one week after the Side Story ends. Unused event currency after that period will then be deleted.



2. Bellona & Iron Fan Drop Rate Up!



In this Drop Rate Up event, meet Bellona, 

an Earth elemental Ranger who can fight off multiple enemies. Players can also obtain the Ranger exclusive Artifact, Iron Fan 

that after using an attack that targets all enemies except for a basic skill, increases Combat Readiness of the caster.


■ Schedule

11/2 (Thu) 03:00 ~11/9 (Thu) 02:59 UTC



3. Kayron & Shepherd of the Hollow Drop Rate Up


In this Drop Rate Up event meet the Fire elemental Thief Kayron

who greatly improves the caster’s survivability with his immortality effect and can deal a large amount of damage with a powerful AoE attack. Players can also obtain the Thief exclusive Artifact, Shepherd of the Hollow which can increase the casters Evasion and 

greatly increase the damage the caster deals, and as Health decreases, damage dealt increases. 


■ Schedule

11/2 (Thu) 03:00 ~ 11/9 (Thu) 02:59 UTC



4. Other Adjustments

■ Shop

[Skin Shop]

- The Heroic Skin, Prophet of the Stars,  Sinful Angelica will be added to the Skin Shop.

- Schedule: 11/2 (Thu) 03:00 UTC



Thank you.

Reply 27
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wait, there are no haloween event??


I was hoping for like halloween themed pets or something...... wow this update is bare minimum 


Please fix Garo, he has not been dropping BMs

Kiss of frost is absolutely dogwater event in both aspects - rewards and difficulty 

Evento beijo glacial e ridículo, a chefe tem nível 78 enquanto os nossos personagens não passam de 60,isso é um absurdo,porcaria de evento,não  gostei nota 0000000000000000000.

2nd stage of boss on epic difficulty kills me instantly.  It's like it's damage is triple.  Yes, I made sure I had more than 1 buff.  They had at least 4.  Anyone else having this issue?

Man, I can't stand this "community". Just toxic. When they were cranking out content it was "oh the content is too much for new players". "Content is too hard". "Dang so much so quick, I can't keep up". Now it's a break and it's "where's the content". Y'all act like spoiled little entitled brats. Take this down time to replenish after all the banners and content that just came out like wtf. 

damn, thats crazy bro like wtf.

I don't see anyone asking for anything about new limited units again on 🎃 (people would not complain about "too much cintent so quick" otherwise). Just for a Halloween event. 

profile image

CoffeeNTea**** halloween event.

Boring ass update. How many re-runs do we needthis year?

When there's new update? its stupid ass update that nobody ask for -.-
this game is dying....

Then g.t.f.o. simple.

Bruh like these players doesn't know Epic7 well...of course there will be Halloween Event...they usually release it late...these are the typical complaining player's behavior...always feeling not satisfied

no halloween event. what a great game ;/

Not sure why people are complaining, we had most weeks with this year filled with new/limited characters.

Also, I think they nerfed the secret shop after the monk banner, so some of us needs even more time to get more resources.

We are not complaining about the lack of banners, but lack of events, like check in, Halloween themed pets, side story events, ANYTHING

profile image

xFlow777**** halloween pets and check in.

So I got back to this game after 3 years because of the Halloween event... and there is no Halloween event? Is this game not doing well right now so they have to skip content? 🫥

J espère tu trolles lol

Please fix Garo, he has not been dropping BMs

I thought I was the only one.

Where is the next speciality change?

*Ten-year plan.*

Update content in a nutshell: 

I was hoping for like halloween themed pets or something...... wow this update is bare minimum 

left Halloween aside, very good in 

Hey man give us the event waifu to pull

wait, there are no haloween event??

weak asz update :(

Epic 7 speed run : WR any% no content in 0'11s

Game Maintenance's post

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