Thanks for Beehoo & Ae-Winter
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General Discussion

Thanks for Beehoo & Ae-Winter [7]

Thanks SG for releasing Winter & Beehoo, that help me for passing the hell abyss 107th. After finally stuck and sit in lobby a year cause i already give up to climb abyss, that new hero give me a hope.

At the first wave Beehoo help a lot to dispels buff cannoners and detonating burn (he can detonate at my stats 30k dmg from more stacka burn), while Winter help to stun (i think better from STenebria).

In 2nd wave, they also usefull (if RNG not resissted Pavel & his partrners). I hope SG relased more hero not only for PVP, but also can usefully in at least abyss that upper 100th floors.

And also remove eff resist/igonoring the 15% resist only in abyss, so that can help & dont make some players stuck at a year and give up for this content and game because so frustating. Thanks.

Reply 7
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Congrats the floors are  easier after this mostly taranor guard tama kitty clarissa  ras.

yo congrats! Most if not all floors after 100 are hellish, glad you made it through another one!

Yeah, hopefully we all can pass trough to 120th in abyss.

I still cannot pass F101 because of rng.

Furious always gets the last laugh(when I am about to kill him,he always does something annoying and I loose)

wow nice !

Semoga kita jg bisa kelar ampe abyss 120 ya pak, 

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Triastrwong saya aja 100 belum sampai hahaha

General Discussion's post

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