[ Hero Concept 38 ] [7]
This is the 38th original hero concept.
Enjoy :)
[ S1 - Absolute Zero ]
Attack an enemy.
This attack cannot trigger any enemy skills, skill effects or artifact effects.
//Cannot trigger counterattack, active/passive skill, passive effect, focus/FS gain, etc.
[ S2 - Scorch ] CD: 3 Turns
Convert missing health of an enemy hero into same amount of Injury.
Increase Combat Readiness of the caster by 60%.
[ S3 - Incapacitating Shot ] CD: 3 Turns
Attack an enemy hero, inflicting Unhealable for 2 turns, and 9 Poison effects for 3 turns.
Because of 15% inner resistance, the target would normally receive 6~8 stacks of Poison from S3,
even if they have no resistance at all.
That amount of Poison kills the target after it takes 3 turns.
Which is fairly slow.
Thing is, there are rarely single target FULL cleanse skills in this game.
It puts the opponent in a dilemma.
If they spend their AoE full cleanse skill just to protect this one hero, it would be a waste.
If they use single target cleanse skill which commonly cleanses 2 debuffs, doesn't help much.
Decrease debuff duration by 2 turns? Still 1 turn of Poison left.
Worth mentioning if a hero already have 10 buffs/debuffs in total,
it cannot be buffed/debuffed anymore.
Comments are welcomed.
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Honestly, this is the first time you did have a good concept. S3 is very good. You need to improve skill 2 and 1 though. I think they are not synergized well with S3. I appreciate your ideas on creating a new hero. But remember to think thoroughly before proposing those concepts.
S2 can be used on S3'ed targets, as well as those damaged by allies.
In fact, I prefer skills to be effective on their own, not depending on each other too much.
I make a variety of skill designs, and different players have different preference.
But I can assure you that EVERY design is reviewed for months before posted here.
Right now I have about 12 hero concepts in store.
I only post ones that are perfected :)
dotaplayeMore like they take 5 minutes to type up and post. If you've been putting months worth of effort into them like you claim, you'd have an actual character concept and line art to go with it. But alas, that is beyond the scope of your imagination what with all the plagiarising you do and all that.
man, you are retarded.
1. I'm confused about the theme of this "hero", considering their S1 is called 'Absolute Zero' being the freezing point, and their S2 is 'Scorch' which means burning.
2. S1 is basic, nice. S2 is niche, but 60% CR is naturally going to be too much.
3.That S3 is too much. Given the name 'Incapacitating Shot' - I think a Stun alongside the Unhealable would be more appropriate, 9 poisons is just insane, it would make PVE trivial.
Thanks for replying.
1. That's intentional.
Having those two opposite themes is this hero's uniqueness.
2. Zahhak?
3. Unable to be healed, and unable to be buffed when having 10 debuffs, hence Incapacitating.
It says "Attack an enemy hero" so cannot be used for PvE.
Read carefully.
One word . NO !
Seems TC got off at the wrong stop, the circus is two blocks down.