I'm working on an Epic 7's fancomic
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I'm working on an Epic 7's fancomic [4]

Hello everyone, it's me again. As title said, I'm currently working on an Epic 7's fan comic, written and drawn by me. After finishing chapter 1 and gathering all my courage, I finally was able to share this with you. It will be long, that's for sure.

Also, another thing you should notice is there will be some original characters, which I hope you will understand since the story is a bit original, haha. Anyway, here's chapter 1 and I hope you will enjoy reading it.

Another thing is I'm not a good artist, but I hope it won't be a nuisance for you to read. Thanks for your time reading it. If there is any comment for the comic, I'd like to here it as well.

Reply 4
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Nice. Looking forward for more. :)

Thanks, will work on chapter 2 soon.

Its nice to see some epic 7 fancomic and original character in the epic 7 universe

Thanks for the comment. It's pretty long and I am worried if the story falls off later on 

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