General Discussion
Torrent set [14]
10 % more damage + portrait = 30% more damage= proof of valor counter?
Still mad about the dumb barrier set. It feels like a counter to all sorts of damage even for the torrent set they just announced.
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Yet cleave/control is still king.
"We need more turn2 help"
"Ok here's a barrier set"
"Hey wait a minute this also hurts my own cleave I don't want this after all."
The community doing their normal thing
Its funny because its true. As bruiser player I dont mind the barrier, wont use it either.
I'm curious why many players think barrier set is bad? It all allies, not just the wearer.
My C.Armin will surely equip it. The stealth heroes like Lua and Landy also have benefit from it.
It can also surprise hero like Lua and F.Tene when they can dispel only one buff. So barrier+immunity can safe you while it's isn't show "Hey I will have barrier to prevent your dispel" like when you pick F.Ceci.
About Op.Sigret and DJ Basar . . . players surely know that their opponent using barrier set before battle? Except fight against same opponent. Same as before ML Elena release "she will counter counter set. why we need to farm this set?" while she is low tier hero and really hard to set in the team now.
Well, it's a 4-piece set, so using it means dropping speed set, already making it not a viable option on most units. It's basically just a set that can somewhat replace the role of FCC but making you forfeit the speed on 1 unit.
LoIitahoIi"Well, it's a 4-piece set, so using it means dropping speed set, already making it not a viable option on most units."
lol imagine thinking you need speed set just to hit 180-200spd.
this set is for high hp tanks, high hp soulweavers, and high hp bruisers. none of those are 260+ lol.
some of you players are so narrowminded and like always once this set drops you'll see how wrong you are about it and how not smart you actually are.
that barrier set is dumb indeed, I dont know how it could be approved
I mean most people assumed it was going to be that set since the game takes a lot from summoner's wars and this is a lot worse that in that game since not only is it a 4piece set it is only 12% shield which is a far cry from what it is based on, which is a 2 piece set that you can stack up to 3 times for a total of 45% to all allies.
Honestly this is not going to be that big of a deal, there are strippers that will remove it plus units like DJB and OpSig that will exploit it. Plus you are giving up 24-32 speed for not being on speed set or 40% health for not being on triple health set.
penetrate set better, this set not so good like you think...also don't forget that now they will interfere with getting other sets to you
This set is bis for every single aoe dps
Also units like Straze, Hwa, WShuri, OpSig to name a few want this since they have 100% def pen so this is increasing their dmg output by extra 10%.
TSurin / Seline / Roy also benefit from this a lot, increasing dmg and lowering their hp at same time.
d34thscyth3The other ones I agree, however I have to disagree with Seline, she does a lot more damage with pen set. Also, although she is a healthgate character, she still needs a bit of health, as unlike TSurin, she doesn't go invisible, so with low health, she can quite easily be poked to death by non-DPS units like FCC or Mawerik as she can't reliably counter their attacks.
Torrent Set applies to AoE attack.
It also works in PvE.
Penetration Set does not work well in PvE, since monsters/bosses tend to have high hp/attack, and low defense.
d34thscyth3Read it, the guy talks about proof of valor as if it's a counter, but the increase in damage is not the best solution in my opinion for countering, in my opinion pen set would be better in this case (proof of valor works on one target)