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Hero preview [34]

Showing off ml Vivian early maybe?

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Summertime Iseria?

She has two big...personalities.

RTA Vivian skin ?

All the flat chest Karen's on reddit hating her blessed body xD

And if u can't put two together. Cut abs and pecs sell. Models don't have to be shirtless to sell underwear. S3xual ads goes both ways but the flatties always gonna make a stink about it when it's a woman. 

Bet she will be a fire archer :v

This didn't age well

Because of her personality I mistook her with Vivian too.

My wild guess: she's Sylvana, 5* non-ltd earth-type mage, and her backstory is similar to Destina's; that she took a liking to a human (Vivian I guess?) in a past cycle or other world, and she has been involved in the world since then. She is the one that Adin originally got her title, "Heir of Sylvana" from in the last chapter.

She is the Queen of the Shadow elves

I thought they stop releasing new ml's atm?

ML Vivian was shown in the awaken stream. It also showed than you can summon for her 21/07 (21st of july)

This hero is 100% an RGB hero.

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New limited rgb most likely 

She isn`t ml Vivian. This characterr from new episode. This is ml Vivian


they look the same to me

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epic7#wnbepyou're looking at booba. look again

she is the one that summons a demon crow thing

she was teased in the awaken epilogue

the animation of her S3 seemed very cool
but those huge boobs...just why ?

You don't like big oversexualised boobs? 

Sad. Me neither.

That is what I was thinking since they showed us her in the Epilogue video.

xD Even Judge Kise and Vivian are jealous. XD

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STOVE93441763not when it's the only thing the designers seems to be able to do
it becomes just...boring

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Larryzonwhat does it bring to the character ?

is it really that much appealing ?
cause I don't think so

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DavePotato"Personality" as some people would say xD

But imo it has nothing to do at all, I do not even like the idea like THIS. xD

I just like the animations and the dress concepts of each character but the body parts O.o no thanks, Imma head out

I do not even understand how people have a fet.ish (was censored :O)  on manga characters xDD speachless... xD

Forest Sage Vivian
Tree Hugger Vivian
High Times Vivian
420 Vivian
It's all good.

She isn't ML Vivian 

That's not ML Vivian. 

I would say she is ML Luna because her voice and face are the same but it doesn't make sense since the new ml is ML Vivian and she will come late July.

Thats not ML Vivian. She got white hair in the preview video.

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