Heirloom LF lv. 40+ members
Guild Name: Heirloom (Lv. 14)
Guild Type: Casual
Server: Global Server
Member Amount: 28/29
-Log-in Requirements: Members have a 7 day inactivity window.
-Minimum Rank: 40
-Guild Gold Donations: 200k gold per week. (50k daily for 4 days, and that every week). This is so we can keep buffing our guild with Gold/Exp buffs.
-Daily Aid: Not mandatory
-Guild Wars Status: Calculating.... (:P)
-Most Importantly: Have Fun!
Heirloom is looking for new members to fill it's ranks! We have a helpfull community run through our Discord channel where you can find or aks about everything you need to know about the game. We do Guild Wars, but casually, whatever that might mean :P. All members are required to at least have a team set up for GW, you can choose yourself if you participate or not. If you're interested, look for us in-game and apply today! (Discord channel invite will be provided in Guild Chat.)
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