The ability to craft necklaces and rings
WHY, is this not a thing?
Necklaces and rings are just as influential as boots, and we can craft those fine, without breaking the game. Mainly because we still have to deal with 3 levels of stacked RNG
Also to the people who think the new hunt system solved in any way the jewels problem: HAHAHAHAHA WHAT?
My suggestions are: (either one of these could help)
A. Add Necklace and rings to the crafting system
B. Make a Necklace and rings ONLY hunt - I don't even care if it's more energy, gives less gold, or still includes that godawful bonus item slot, just SOMETHING for jewels!
C. Make available in the ancient coin shop an lv 44-70 chest, and a 70-80 chest, costing a LOT of ancient coins
Feels to me that necklaces and rings are intentionally scarce to ruin the experience for players, so that we have NO OPTION to create proper sets. On that note, the current ancient coin chest is a JOKE!
Also, why did you remove the jewelry chest from the side stories? Was nobody buying them? Well DUH
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