To everyone who complains about gear RNG [13]
Hi everyone who takes the time to read my message. I am here to say that I like grinding, and that I play epic seven for the grind. There are not a lot of gacha games which I can enjoy like epic seven. If you do not like the grind, and you want to use all your summoned heroes then there are plenty of other gacha games which would suit your taste.
Is the grind tedious? Yes I would agree, but I have always been playing grindy looter games like Diablo since I can remember. If you want to have free gear removal I wouldnt mind, but please leave the layers of RNG loot as it is. I get enjoyment from finding potentially good gear and getting the nice subroll upgrades, not from pulling 5* units. I perfectly understand why the majority of people have a different point of view, but for that reason the majority of games is targeted at you. Epic Seven is one of the few games which targets players like me.
Thanks for reading, and I hope that I could show all of you my point of view.
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24/7 of grinding for .... you just have to be kiding me <.< this game have some problem with that rng layers + catalist drop rates and if they don't do anything for that ppl will start to leave and look for other games
I think they should allow to sell material from hunt, with a fair price, like 10k for each T6 material. If it happen, i can earn enough gold to buy item from goblin.... above 200 mil gold
Everyone’s entitled to their opinion but this game is literally the equivalent of handing your employer back your paycheck every week for the chance of getting a Christmas bonus. I literally ask myself every day why anyone would do this to themself. Explain the expierence of playing this game to ANYONE who doesent play “games” and they would think you needed to get your head checked. Can’t even enjoy something because it came too late, or will take resources you don’t have to make use of it. Wins don’t even feel like wins. Woulda quit a long time ago if not for accidentally spending money.
IMO it isnt, but if that is how you feel then please leave. I have fun doing this, so I will stick to the game. You should quit mate if you feel that badly over this game. The money you spent is gone and you wont get it back. May as well take the loss and do something more enjoyable :D
I guess you haven't been in the situation like getting a T6 epic gear, with great main stats and 3 of the 4 substats are also great, while you ended up with all the enhances rolled into that flat hp substats. This kind of things happened to lot of people (including me), and I personally don't think this is exciting at all.
I have lvl 88 gear pieces from hell raid which rolled thrice into flat health/attack/defence, so yeah I know how it feels. But on the other hand I have two pieces which rolled really well, and that is what gives me the fun. If you think that I ahve fun when I roll thrice on flat health on my lvl 88 gear, well I do not, and I never said I did. No need to circlejerk...
I think they should build a system to craft gear with high percent or can select 1-2 option (use a lot of resources more than usualy).
There is NOTHING enjoyable about > grinding hunt for hours only to spend a dumb amount of resources, only to craft an 85 level USELESS gear with resistance, def flat, hp flat, on an offensive orientated set! Or the perfect gear stat-wise but on a USELESS set! Lock something in place! At least let me know I can lock the type of gear AND SET, then I'll be more forgiving of stat RNG
Are you a masochist? I've played grindy looter games too (see Path of exile) but you could make some kind of use of garbage drops, and there was ONE level of RNG. Here there are at least 4! Stacked! It's legit insane!
The only gear I have that's worth a snot, is STILL the Labyrinth and Abyss gear! WUT? O_o
Setting yourself as a reference point is flawed, because everyone above is automically considered a masochist. I could say that Epic Seven is much less grindy than FFBE and that you are all whining about a big of grind. Also PoE isnt as grindy as you think it is, I played it a couple of years ago, more or less min/maxed my tornado shot build and stopped because there wasn't anything to do for me.
I love grinding. But crap gear RNG isn't grind, it's time wasting. The juice is not worth the squeeze at all. We just don't have the resources to support gear if you want to progress to any relevant content.
I have to disagree on the fact that you dont get the resources to get to relevant content. By using the sacred hero set + uberic set from labyrinth + gear which you can find in story exploration dungeons (e.g. pegasus boots) you can get one strong DPS going. And you can use the arena set for a healer. By having a good geared healer and DPS you can easily get the first abyss set. Slap the abyss set on a secondary DPS and you have 3 strong units capable of auto' ing wyvern 9 / do the turorial raid boss.
Everyone will leave with crazy amount of grind. Think about that. Make a game who anyone can enjoy? Or pander to a few who are masochists? Not everyone wants to waste their life grinding rng on top of rng on top of more rng. It's an rng orgi.
I get that not everyone wants to grind, but some people do. I respect your opinion, but all I am saying is to just allow the small group of people who like grinding to have one game out of a dozen which suits their taste. And lets be frank a game which everyone can enjoy is by definion not an anime JRPG.