Tamarinne no non-idol dual attack and Unity set [6]
I'm figured I try testing Tamie (as I will call her short for Tamarinne in this post) to find a way to incorporate her into a team. I know a lot of people have been calling for a buff of some sort for her, but for me the jury is still out. I'm sure there is a team and gear she works best with and I was trying to see if I could find something. Ithought maybe the Unity set could work with her, and so I tested. I was surprised that the Unity set works differently than I expected and Tamie does not trigger a dual attack when she is not in idol form.
I thought how dual attack worked was that there was a percent chance if you used a s1 attack (that didn't explicitly say otherwise anywhere) it could trigger a dual attack from someone. What I found was maybe the other way around.
Here is what I did and what I found:
I ran 6-8 World and my team was Kayron (front), Yuna, Tamie, Lots (rear). Lots is the only one with an A rank at 1.4% chance of dual attack for everyone else. I mostly ran in auto with everyone turned off but I intervened occasionally to keep people alive. Everyone is level 60 except Tamie who was level 35-38 during this test. Knowing Kayron's s2 saying if he is buffed his s1 does not trigger dual attack, I did not make any tallys. Next, I had Tamie equipped with two Unity sets putting her dual attack to 13%. Also in the case if ANYONE were to die, I halted the counting immediately and started over at the beginning after healing completely. Counts that were made up to that point were kept however. I did this until I pretty much ran out of space on my sheet of paper. This is the data I collected.
Kayron attack 78 times with 22 dual attacks. 5 for Yuna, 3 from Lots, and 14 for Tamie.
Yuna attacked 150 times with 43 dual attacks. 6 from Kayron, 15 from Lots, and 8 from Tamie.
Lots attacked 72 times with 21 dual attacks. 7 from Kayron, 6 from Yuna, and 8 from Tamie.
Tamie attack 85 time never in Idol from and never had a dual attack trigger.
Kayron's dual attacks were 6.4% with Yuna, 3.8% with Lots, and 17.9% with Tamie.
Yuna's dual attacks were 4% with Kayron, 10% with Lots, and 14.7% with Tamie.
Lots dual attacks were 9.7% with Kayron, 8.3% with Yuna, and 11.1% with Tamie.
Tamie of course gets a goose egg here.
These percents are closer to each individual heroes stats rather than what I originally thought with the exception of Tamie. From reading Tamie's skills I thought she would get a dual attack when using her s1 in non-idol but it was not the case. Also, I do not think giving Tamie an increase in duel attack chance to hasten her s3 cooldown is fast enough to make her better.
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IDOL FORM - trigger dual attack with highest attack ally
Dual Attack of hero doesnt reduce cooldown by 1 turn
So far the biggest successes ive had with Tam are High lvl hunts/raids. Her ultimate keeps also ticking in her idol form, so she can cycle rather often once it has been triggered once, as her awaken grants her another turn. My setup is tam + rod, angelica with tam’s arti, bellona with the highest attack armed with either bloodstone or rosa and ml karin up front stacked with hp and L+R. So far works rather well as my bellona triggers her s3 24 7 thanks to Tam, or tam triggers karin when shes low on hp, same going for the arti. Still want those attack awaken nodes and primary stats traded for hp tho...
Perhaps Tamie is really just used for long hunt fights. But I remember seeing somewhere that someone said that she doesn't last long in the golem fight.
Yeah she’s pretty bad right now
So she still sux? Thanks for the info. Good to know
Aiii you are from channel 3 suplo lol