Stop the weekly new heroes Smilegate
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General Discussion

Stop the weekly new heroes Smilegate [17]

So in my opinion the new Hero every week is exciting but in my opinion its hurting the game and putting stress on the devs, you dont give enough time for the players to build heros that theyve got already before they are shoved in the face by a "New hero" to summon for, build and molagora up and gives us little chance to summon units that were in the game from the beginning please stop the new heros every week maby every other week and an older hero in between the 2 new ones. It will also help the devs focus on vameplay issues and complaints by the community in the hunt and other aspects of the game.

Reply 17
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A new hero twice a month (which it is) is perfectly normal with these type of collector/gacha games. I don’t see any reason for SG to slow down. I simply want them to improve game testing of characters before release. 

but i have play more compatitive games more tham this one. Even with 4 years and with 90 six star and be top 1000-10000 from game that million player play . I simply have patience and accept what fate lead me to get and dont need to get everything.  I think it is player own greed who want to rush thing than take it slow and be happy with what they have and play smart rather than have everything in the hand that make them have “no fun” .

Wiwi  , thank you for reason reply.  This is my point of view.  They release character so that we have a "a choices" . You dont need to build all unit or pull all unit.  Isnt it simply a greed of player to do so?  Then that when a payment pack come...  To respond your greed.. And about complain of molagora...  If there too many gap between whale and casual then the game lose balance no? ( i do love if they give some free mola more often though) i have played summon wars for 3 years and in the top 100 guild where are full monster who pay amount that can buy a car to the game. From what you said you assume me to be new player who only see sweet at beginning 

more waifus to come.. we really cant do anything about releasing new contents

Imo dropping new hero’s all the time is only an eventual problem for ppl who don’t have a ton of disposable income. The real issue to me was releasing game changing characters (Diene, Bellona, Luna...etc), tactally after we spent all our first time clearance skystone. The other problem is the players them self- for allowing the inflation of pack cost to occur. It’d cost approx $215 dollars to force a unit -if a pity system were even in effect, and it’s not. Best thing to do is stop spending all together- untill games that advertise themselves as “free to play” actually become more free to play. ...and before all the white knights jump on this comment “playing for free, shouldn’t mean being dissapointed and getting stomped by the competition (aka having no fun)” when ever you play. All and all- I agree.

2 new hero per month and it's too much ? ._. 

Waouh I can understand your point about the molagora issue but truly not for this one... 

Other gasha game it's 4 heroes minimum and tac it's over 10 release... Think a bit about this...


Or maybe they could just implemented "Pickup Banner". In which every 2 weeks/4 weeks, there will be a new roster of "Old heroes" (the one that had been released for more than 2 months difference with the recent banner) so some player that decided to pull older heroes will have better chance to pull them in this pickup banner. There should be 3-5 heroes with some 4* including in the lineup.

Am do you actually play this game dude cause we dont get a new hero each week a new hero comes out once ever two weeks and this is a hero collect dude if you dont spend money on new heros whats the point of the game honestly and I agree on having rate ups on old 5* heros but we wont get them cause Smilegate dont make any other server a priority other than the KR server and the KR server already had rate ups on old heros.

Thank you for all the support <3

Hope they see it 

Yes i m agree for more 3 or 4 stars hero but not resources.... i have been playing since game was new and i collect around 60 molagoras you can rayse 1 hero to +15 skill enchance in months hard work. Just 1!!!!!!!

 And them no chance to get more because abbys finished, history in hard mode finished etc..... only in events give u 1 mola and 3 every week in shop. Some skills ask for 2 or 3 molagora go, it is 15 molagora. it doesnt matter if new herosbis 3 4 or 5 stars what i have to grind to use him in late game for example in laberint hell mode or use him in arena challenger properly for example its insane. So why pull there arent reason when u finish to invest a hero probably will be out of meta and will be better choice and all your hard work and sometimes money gone. I m not english and i do t speak well sorry for that.

Agree with the post creator and i dont think same like u rainyday why u want have lot of heros if u cant invest them to use them maybe in early game yes killing lvl 15 wolfs but when u understand game and spend time playing you now you have to focus in around 6 heros no more because not resources and hard work to updrqde just 1 character so pull doesnt viable..... because not enought time in 10 lives playing 24/7 .... To build them properly and use them. They need think about it.

No one says you have to summon every week. U r a fool if u r pulling for every single unit as a f2p. The recent two have been decent, but imo not worth really pulling for. But people pull for whoever they like and theres nothing wrong with releasing new units every week or 2. Have to keep it interesting and exciting for everyone. What I dont like is that new every unit is a 5*. Why cant we get some new 4* or 3* units too? 

Agree ;) hope they change and they listen us. Too much time to grind 1 hero: molagoras, molagora go (hahah change 5 molagoras for 1 molagora go.) catalist, epic catalist (i did around 1000 banshes and i have to do more times same stage its not enought), level up 5 stars phantasmas, gold from ekipment craft, do hundreds of hunts to equip properly 1 hero, millions of gold just to put equipment +15 and other equipments to upgrade good equipment heheh shop refreshes for rings and necks lvl85 with skystone (sometimes i spend 1000 skystone refreshing and get nothing good) do lots of laberints for ancient coins to upgrade rings and necks...... we are speaking just for 1. Yes this is just for ONE HERO...... it is insane work.....and banners every 2 weeks we should have 200 free hours a day to can follow.... When we finish working in 1 character maybe he isnt in meta and are new better heros from new banners....

One reason i like this game is a lot new character. Don&#39;t assume of what you want is what all player want. Thank you.

An the rate us none whales can farm epic catalysts, molas.... etc, It should be more like a new banner once every two months. Seriously though some of these materials are rarer than flipping Unicorns!!! 

And who at SG thought 450 Runes for a specialty change was a good idea ffs? When you farm level 10 and only 1 drops...How can we ever keep up? 5000 worth of skystones refills, minimum.

No wonder this game makes 70k a day on iPhone alone. smh

Totally agree good post bro! If players say how they feel game it help developers make changes and help them and we to enyoy game. 

oh heck yea, the next ******

General Discussion's post

작성 시간 02.09.2019

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