They removed the tamarinne video
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General Discussion

They removed the tamarinne video [11]

It got bombed with so many dislikes lmao. Just release Luna. It's not rocket science. 

Reply 11
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its dislike for bad hero 5 stars, no for luna.

no worries, I will roll for Tammy and show her some lovin

Everyone is whining because they were incorrect with a pun. I mean Luna = lunar? Seriously.. She was released on Halloween and every week people speculate she will be released. How many more weeks will the community, streamers and everyone else assume every week is the Luna banner week. It has been going on since release.

Easy fix, just release Luna. Just shows how many people like the hero and want her

It will going forever until,

1. Luna is released

2. Ppl that asking for her quit

I think the problem with the Tammy vid was that it was just plain terrible. They wanted to showcase her skill, did you even watch it? Fine, like, half of it is because of the Luna thirst, but in the vid, they're trying to show off how good she is yet the team got wiped by PvP punishment. That wasn't a skill showcase, that was an animation showcase **** 

First hero video with more negative than positive scores. The players aren't happy. I include myself.

Mmm this idol have a chance to be op because she give a loot of buffs buuut the comunnity of luna is killing her 

Please stop with the Luna BS riot your hurting the game 

Why release something so gimmicky? Do they think it’s fun?

Poor girl :'( hated before her debut. I'll have some pulls for her then.

General Discussion's post

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