Opinion on state of the game
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Opinion on state of the game [6]

Hey guys,
I've been a player since the global launch and I have some thoughts on aspects of the game, that you might find useful.

1. The hunts
Five resources competing for one slot is just bad design, and four of them are grindable outside hunt!
Energy - grindable - just wait
Skystones - grindable - do quests
Bookmarks - grindable - do quests or use skystone
Powder - grindable - summon 3 star artifacts with bookmarks
Mystic currency - only grindable in hunt... sorry what? Why can't we buy Mystic currency in the shop, with skystone?! And it's not like Mystic summon's that big of a deal anyway, it's a chance to gamble on a still large pool of characters anyway.

I've spent 10 hours grinding Wyvern 10 with 10 Mystic currency to show for it. Wasn't the point of HUNTS to get gear? Now whenever I get gear I'm like 'oh great gear...' Doesn't that destroy to the whole point of the dungeon, when it's main purpose is less appealing than the optional drop?

2. The poorly timed global launch
The decision to sync both versions of the game, gives you a lot of real monetary advantages, yet you don't want to own up to any of the disadvantages.

Yes, I'm talking about Luna. People dismissing this as a side-issue don't understand higher levels of play for the game, or maybe they have other interests in doing so intentionally, she's better than any other water def breaker in the game, period. Fact of the matter is that Luna has an insane amount of value for an account, as she should be, she's limited, but the fact that a whole region has no chance to earn her, all because you decided to save money by syncing servers, isn't that kind of dumb and unfair?

3. Management of limited units vs new players
I would NOT recommend this game to new players. If you haven't started it since launch, give up. ALL aspects of the game are significantly harder without a limited unit. Just look at arena, it's pack full of Dienes, and she has so much value that people still use her in spite of two counters, look at abyss and raid comps on Youtube. It's gotten to the point that what's impressive is when people do a 'no diene' team.

If you're going to make limited units this strong, and this influential in the meta, at least do more of them, so new players can have an easier time in accessing content by getting them, easy money.

4. Do you even want our money?
It's funny that the game feels like it's gating off resources so that people buy overpriced resource packs (face it there's NO value-for-money resource pack), but we're not getting units that people would break the bank for (yes Luna again, I can't get over how 0 sense this makes from a business point of view) Or are you scared that people have been saving for her, and you wouldn't make much money off her? She's already developed, you already made money off her, this is extra money, people already use her in the game, so she won't mess the meta, this was your one chance to earn good rep with the community after the hunts debacle, and a perfect time to give people a good unit to use in Wyvern 11

5. You're rushing, and it's hurting the game
- Too soon for Guild wars, we don't have enough units built for it, all with that death mechanic.
- Too soon for Monotype teams, the fact that there are very few options for Wyvern 11 is telling of how rushed this is. Making 3 star units to lv.60 full of molagorra to run Wyvern 11, because you have no beet units gue to the lack of variety in the character pool, is really bad design.
- Too soon for transforming units, other gatcha games wait YEARS before transforming units, because the game is diverse enough and mature enough that the gameplay complexity makes sense

6. No more 4 star units
I see you guys adding 5 stars like there's no tomorrow...what about the 4 stars? Will you ever be adding more 4 stars to the game? Ever? Or is the 4 star category the 'Foudder Category' forever?

- Conclusion

I'm a paying player, because I love the game. But I will stop paying because it feels like you guys have no idea what you're doing, like this project's way bigger than you're used to handling, and you're in over your heads. Get your s*it together, then I'll start spending again.

Good luck!

Reply 6
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Like you said, limited heroes are really bad for new players, specially strong limited heroes like Diene, everything seems easier with her, and without take too much effort.

I jusg agree to your banner 4* and 5* we need 4 and 3* hero banner

They havent added normal 4 stars since the start. (ML 4 stars and free unli should not be taken to consideration there) was hopinv they would introduce a normal 4 or 3 star along with the new 5 stars they add every week like what they do with Granblue. They focus so much on 5 starz that players forget hat some lower star units actually have useful kits than some 5 star units. If this game wants you to play only to get 5 stars then this game is not gonna last long.

1) all the 5 resources are IMO better than the previous single mat drop

2) I agree, however this is also reason behind (5) so I wont comment on point 5.

3) False, Diene is overrated. I havent used her in the last 2 months because my party of F. Kluri, Angelica, Aramintha, (random DPS) would suffer from getting Diene into my party. Also Diene is still used in arena because nobody except for a few like me actually use her counters. No wonder that you have problems against Diene if you dont counter her...

4) Whales will whale anyway, so they will buy those malogora packs / moonlight packs. And small spenders have most likely spent money on the xmass / special pack, so waiting a bit before Luna makes sense. I do W11 with a team of Alexa, Angelica, Teranor Guard and Teranor Royal Guard. Luna wont make W11 any easier in case you couldnt beat W11 already. And Luna would make my team worse as well...

6) They added a 4* into the game last patch...

Yes i agree especially with sync update, they keep throwing global/asia update like they do on korea, global/asia already 4 month progress late so they should stop do this, and if they want to throwing new banner atleast they should do double banner on global/asia so we can have older banner that already come in korea like yufine,krau,sigret,haste etc

But i dont think dev even open this suggestion section at all nor they care about global/asia player as long they can get the money

Great write up that has pretty much all the points covered (just needs no unequip costs), Smilegate really needs to step up their game, idk why they want to just let their game die like this. It makes no sense to me what they are doing.

Suggestions's post

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