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General Discussion


General Discussion

Violet [15]

Hey GM

I just spent $200 to summon Violet and I haven’t won him yet. This is getting expensively ridiculous. How much would it cost to get a featured character when I only spent a hundred to obtain Diene, Kise, Cecilia and Vildred. I am very unhappy with this result. I have been a generous patron of the game and I am not enjoying bleeding this much money and still not getting the character I want. Please take time to reply

Reply 15
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My hardest challenge is pulling Kise, a total of 96 pulls / 480 bookmarks.

I got violet + his artifact for 34 pulls.

i agree violet has been my worse summon as well spend like usd 500 b4 i got him.. >.< i was like am i going to be k gaming the second?? he spend like over 700usd for bellona!!! it seems the longer you play the more this game feels like a casino - The House Always WINS!! 

 Btw i did get vildred and krau frm the free daily summons and the free event 4/5 stars summons .. ...the rng in this game is messing with my brain so hard right now ...-.-

Stop summoning for violet, go for the next featured banner

i started the game after the diene banner and I got every hero and artifact from the banner after that within 25 pulls. This violet one is by far altered. I have done 120 pulls, wasting every means I have of getting crystals outside of money, and haven&#39;t gotten Violet OR the artifact once.  im convinced they started ******* with the drop rates now that the game is picking up momentum. So i&#39;m with you bro, they did something really fucky with these banners. Of course the only one i missed is the most used hero in pvp and actually had a ******* pity system. What a shame it would be to have a pity system that worked even when it would require a ridiculous amount of pulls and resources. *** forbid we could give the players even that much. God damn these greedy *** games. I was so "lucky" the first 2 months that I was telling everyone the game is just like summoners war but better graphics and the summons are actually reasonable. God DAMN was I wrong...

Double is not 2.5% though, on the banners it would be 2% afaik and slightly less on limited banners.

I&#39;m talking about the drop rate for 5 star heroes period, not the individual hero rates. The drop rate for 5 star hero&#39;s right now is 1.25%. It literally says it in game. Double that and you get 2.5%. Now on limited banners the drop rate is 1% for a five star.

I have pulled every single new unit that has come out, except diene (cause I didn&#39;t summon for her), within 450 bookmarks. In fact, I pulled both Violet and his artifact in 120 bookmarks (24 pulls) so Im not writing this as some butt hurt shafted person. I have been an advocate since day one that it would not be game breaking to double the rates, which would be 2.5%. Also double the very poor moonlight 5 star rate to 5%. Though Ill once again be honest and say I have yet to pull a 5 star moonlight. So if you have a hard on to go ahead and call me butt hurt about that, then thats your prerogative. 

I feel you bro...this calls for Revolution jk

i&#39;ve spend over 500-600+ and didn&#39;t get violet.  i&#39;ve given up at this point and it makes me really upset that i gambled this much already.  i blame myself but also the crap rates doesn&#39;t really help either.

I only get violet with

It&#39;s gambling any you are moaning that the horse you bet on didn&#39;t win.

I didnt spend anything and I have Violet, so pleeding to a GM that you spend $200 and didnt get something that was know from beginning is pure RNG, is just stupid.
If you're gonna complain on something that isnt guaranteed that you gonna get, then dont spend money. Simple as that.

These drop results make me sick .. Serioysly. Epic seven has great potential, but that is Korean... as the damn Korean games that are only farm, farm and farm.

The whole End Game as well as the 5* characters require a ridiculous effort.

There's a 1% chance to summon a hero on a banner.

That means, that at 200 summons (1000 bookmarks) you have a 87% chance that you got Violet. At 300 (1500 bookmarks) you'll have a 95% chance that you have summoned Violet, but still 5% chance that you did not. And even still, that's based on probability, even at 500 summons, with a 0.5% chance that you did not get Violet, you could still not have Violet.

Learn to math.

So true

General Discussion's post

작성 시간 02.04.2019

LD player issue

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작성 시간 02.04.2019

Which hero u want to get on tomorrow's ticket? [11]

2019.02.04 11:17
작성 시간 02.04.2019

Violet [15]

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작성 시간 02.04.2019

Feel free to join our guide!

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