GuacRow/Asia recruiting!
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Guild Recruitment


Guild Recruitment

GuacRow/Asia recruiting!

A warm welcome from GuacRow!

 We are a level 7 casual guild, looking for more players to join into guild wars for the base rewards (and more, if we win). We use english for communication. We use both the guild chat and a discord channel to communicate with each other.  We do buffs every 12pm UTC. Donate more and request if you want the buffs to be activated at certain times 

Currently searching for 5 guild members to join! 


-You don't have to be high levelled, just be active on guild war days 

- Donate and send aid as much as you can! 

-Request aid! We won't bite, but sometimes we don't have enough materials ourselves 

-And the most important, progress through the game! doesn't matter if you're weak now, as long as you progress, the game will be in your favour! Come join us now! before the guild wars tomorrow!

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Guild Recruitment's post

작성 시간 02.03.2019

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작성 시간 02.03.2019

GuacRow/Asia recruiting!

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작성 시간 02.03.2019

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2019.02.03 04:21
작성 시간 02.03.2019

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2019.02.03 03:47