Luna is hurting the game (Global)
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  • Smilegate Holdings

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General Discussion

Luna is hurting the game (Global) [14]

So let's talk Luna a Ice Warrior released on Korean server before Global server was a released shes a very Good looking Hero and has many uses also is Limited like Diene so before you go down to the comments and yell at me just listen to what I have to say.

So Currently Luna hasn't been released on Global and the reason its hurting the game is becuase I see so many people skip new banners becuase they are saving for Luna (Personally I am doing the same thing) the reason this is hurting the game is becuase Smile gate makes no money becuase no one has incentive to buy packs to summon.

But on the other hand the reason I think they havent released Luna is becuase people are saving there summons meaning putting out a Luna banner now would Yield them less money. So we are at a stale mate of people not buying becuase of No Luna and devs not releasing Luna becuase people are saving for her and if this goes on unless people summon for another new hero that's very good or the devs crack and give us Luna it will really hurt both sides the devs and players.

One solution to this problem could be the devs giving us a time line of say the next 3 banners they are gonna release to give us a prospective of what the heros do and what we can look forward to becuase currently becuase we are in the dark as players we are scared to summon for a hero if a better one could come out next week and becuase of this it hurts players progressing becuase when they dont summon they cant get new units to use for Hunts or Lybrinth teams (and is currently the situation I am in) fearing that the player won't hVe enough summons for Luna so they dont summon at all it's also a good reason to have the Pity system in place for every single banner that releases.

Thanks for listening to my ramble I hope someone read this and agrees becuase I'm scared to see what happens if nothing changes

Reply 14
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Boo-hoo. Yet another Luna post.

Hurting the game blah blah blah.

Just wait and see, only pixels

yep.. I'm also waiting for Luna....

whaaat? How many users have you interviewed to get you that opinion? 

IDK man, I always summon for characters, not hurting my summoning at all, and i have saved up lots of skystones anyways for when luna comes out.

All they have to do is announce the banner so people can "plan" for it but they only "release" this information on patch day.

I would like to know changes that are coming few days before and not 3hrs before they happen but I might be the only one.

No I 100% agree with you 

I continue to see summons continuously in the chat.. (O`_'o)

Just release luna and make her a guaranteed 1 time summon and charge like 100 medal..problem solved

you think too much...Aren't the characters that have been released recently very good as well?When the time comes,pull for her,but until then... ×_×

I stopped reading when you said "the reason this is hurting the game is becuase Smile gate makes no money..."

I said That its hurting the game because people won't summon on banners that arnt Luna which in turn smilegate gets less money but if you kept reading before jumping to conclusions you would also read that but becuase we arnt summoning players have stuck piles of summons for Luna releasing Luna now wouldn't yield them any money either which means were stale mates with devs

luna isnt real just get other characters

Lol Luna is a conspiracy theory made up by the Koreans and smile gate

I agree with you, but I think smilegate knows this and are purposely holding on to Luna as a gambet card because they know player are gonna whale hard for her. There probably release a pack just for the occasion.

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