Notice: Failed Resource Update on PC Client
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  • Smilegate Holdings

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[Issues] Notice: Failed Resource Update on PC Client [16]

Hello, Heirs! This is GM Dominiel!


If you experience a "Failed Resource Update" error on the Epic Seven PC Client following the 1/24 (Fri) patch, please delete the game completely, reinstall it, and try again.


We apologize for any inconvenience these issues may have caused.


We will do our best to provide our Heirs with a more stable and enjoyable gameplay environment.



Thank you.


Reply 16
Notification has been disabled.

delete the game completely, reinstall it, and try again ? rly ? 🖕


Can you guys fix the create desktop shortcut for E7 please?


still no quality assurance team? 

I'm still receiving issues. Yesterday it was working perfectly, now it's failing to open, it keeps on freezing then crashing

Every time after opening the game for 1 day the next day the game cant be started and crahses in the loading screen

kind of crazy how long it is taking you to fix your client. Deleting and reinstalling does not work, cannot see any of the event tabs

PC Client stuck Connecting...Tried to uninstall, reinstall the Stove Client, even removed the install folders manually. This is an ongoing problem with the client. I am sure I speak for many of us, we love the PC Client when it works, but having to reinstall/uninstall each time we launch the Stove Client is getting old. :(

does not work :(

last time i tried use the pc client took 1 hour for open a black screen and after 30 min didint change, its embarassing the fact that took 6 years for make it and cant even handle 1 patch before die 

I am not from PC and I have this error at dawn what is the section in the game I followed the instructions uninstall the game and I reinstated it and I followed the same error I would appreciate if you fixed it since I am losing my guild wars, web events, day of pharmic energy, I publish it at night since it is not yet solved. Thank you for your attention. 

Hello heir, this is GM Dominiel.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused by the issue.

For further investigation, may I ask for your in-game nickname information?

profile image

Dominiel Of course my nickname is tatsumizero 

Apague o jogo, reinstale para descobrir que não funcionou.
Agora apague o jogo, desinstale o client, reinstale tudo e descubra que foi feito de trouxa.

Não jogue no PC por favor desistale e instale novamente após 3 semanas, vamos recompensa-lo com 3 folhas da vida. Desculpe nos por qualquer transtorno estamos trabalhando para melhor atendê-los e garantir uma melhor qualidade. 

still no quality assurance team? 

delete the game completely, reinstall it, and try again ? rly ? 🖕

It is playable for me, but only from the download screen.

Can you guys fix the create desktop shortcut for E7 please?

I'm stuck on logging screen on PC Client. Am I the only one ? I tried reinstall and repair.

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