1/9 (Thu) Update Content
Epic Seven
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  • Turn-Based RPG
  • Smilegate Holdings

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Game Maintenance


Game Maintenance

[Update] 1/9 (Thu) Update Content [28]

Hello, Heirs! This is GM Dominiel!
* Please note that for this week, no maintenance will be required, and the update will be applied automatically.

Please see below for more details.


1. World Arena 2025 Spring Season Begins!

The World Arena Pre-Season has come to an end and the 2025 Spring Season will begin! 

We look forward to the fair and fierce competition this season!


■ Schedule

- The following is the schedule for the end of the World Arena Pre-Season and the start of the 2025 Spring Season.



Pre-Season End

1/11 (Sat) 02:59 UTC

2025 Spring Season Begin

1/11 (Sat) 05:00 UTC

2025 Spring Season End



* All the servers will follow the same schedule for the end of the pre-season and the beginning of the 2025 Spring Season.

    Servers: Global/Europe/Asia/Korea/Japan


■ Entry Conditions
 - Account Rank 60 or above
 - Requires at least 5 Heroes from each class that are starting grade 2 or higher. (Does not count Material Heroes / Minimum 30 Heroes)
■ New 2025 Spring Season Background
 - Adjustments will be made to the World Arena entry banner, lobby, and battle backgrounds.
2025 Spring Season Reward
 - At the end of the 2025 Spring Season, you will earn season rewards based on your final league grade.


Go to World Arena > Rankings > Season Reward

 * Players will be able to check the season rewards in game when the 2025 Spring Season begins.


[Skin Information]

* The skin images will be revealed through a separate notice during the season.



[Background Pack]

- Heirs who have played at least one arena match during the World Arena 2025 Spring Season will receive a Background Pack. (Includes placement matches)

2. New 4 Hero, New Kid Adin

A girl who leaped headfirst into chaos to protect her childhood friend, New Kid Adin is coming to Orbis!
Players will be able to meet the new 4 Hero, New Kid Adin, in Covenant, Moonlight, and Mystic Summons.

■ New Kid Adin

 [Hero Introduction]

* Adin and Adin's Secret Scroll cannot be used as Memory Imprints for New Kid Adin.

3. Special Side Story, "Eerie Night in the Secret Garden," Week 2

The Conclave members went to procure some flowers and trees for the Ezeran Festival.
However, Achates's older sister, Byblis, wants one thing in return...

Week 2 of Byblis's Special Side Story, "Eerie Night in the Secret Garden" will be available.

1/9 (Thu) 03:00 – 1/23 (Thu) 02:59 UTC

■ How to Enter
Clear Week 2 stage Larunda Family Estate Chapter [15. Center of Pitch Darkness]

■ Special Side Story, "Eerie Night in the Secret Garden", Week 2 Basic Information

[Weekly Opening Schedule]



Opening Schedule

Week 1


Larunda Family Estate

1/2 (Thu) after the maintenance – 1/23 (Thu) 02:59 UTC

Week 2

Larunda Family Estate

1/9 (Thu) 03:00 – 1/23 (Thu) 02:59 UTC

Week 3

End-of-Year Festival

1/16 (Thu) after the maintenance – 1/23 (Thu) 02:59 UTC


■ Sunshine Garden

- Garden level cap will be increased to 14.

- You can now install new plants (Superbia, Sempiternity, Oblivia, and Rana) and facilities (Artificial Pond and Rest Area) with the increased level cap.


■ Twilight Garden

The Twilight Garden is a battle content that is playable only once per stage.


[How to Unlock]

Each stage in Twilight Garden has different unlock requirements.


Unlock Requirements

Twilight Garden Stages 1 – 5

Available after unlocking Sunshine Garden Week 1 and completing the tutorial

Twilight Garden Stages 6 – 10

Available after Week 2 is unlocked

Twilight Garden Stages 11 – 15

Available after Week 3 is unlocked



- In Twilight Garden, Guardians cannot be assigned or summoned.

- This is a challenge-type battle content, and the health of the Heroes will be reset upon clearing each stage.

- By cultivating essential plants in the Sunshine Garden, you can gain battle advantages through stage buff effects.

Battle Standby / Team Formation Screen

Plant Buff Effects


[Twilight Garden Stage Rewards]




Twilight Garden Stage 1

Greater Equipment Charm


Twilight Garden Stage 2

Covenant Bookmark


Twilight Garden Stage 3

Gold Transmit Stone


Twilight Garden Stage 4

Covenant Bookmark


Twilight Garden Stage 5



Twilight Garden Stage 6

Greater Accessory Charm


Twilight Garden Stage 7

Covenant Bookmark


Twilight Garden Stage 8

Gold Transmit Stone


Twilight Garden Stage 9

Covenant Bookmark


Twilight Garden Stage 10

Greater Modification Gem Selection Chest


Twilight Garden Stage 11

Greater Artifact Charm


Twilight Garden Stage 12

Covenant Bookmark


Twilight Garden Stage 13

Gold Transmit Stone


Twilight Garden Stage 14

Covenant Bookmark


Twilight Garden Stage 15

Returning Mana Stone



■ Main Rewards


4. Blooming Lidica & Seductive Flower Limited Summon


In this Drop Rate Up event, meet the Earth Elemental Thief, Blooming Lidica, who can continuously suppress enemies by gaining turns faster with increased Speed proportional to the number of debuffs inflicted on enemies. Players can also obtain the Thief-exclusive Artifact, Seductive Flower, which decreases Combat Readiness of the target after an extra attack.


■ Schedule

1/9 (Thu) 03:00 – 1/23 (Thu) 02:59 UTC


■ Try Blooming Lidica 

1. Schedule: 1/9 (Thu) 03:00 – 1/23 (Thu) 02:59 UTC 

2. Details: "Try Blooming Lidica" Event will be added to [Lobby > Special Event > Secret Garden]. 

3. Reward: Leif x1


5. Mystic Summon Lineup Rotation

■ The Mystic Summon lineup will be updated as follows.
 1. Schedule: 1/9 (Thu) 03:00 – 1/30 (Thu) 02:59 UTC



Archdemon's Shadow

New Kid Adin

Operator Sigret

Specter Tenebria

Apocalypse Ravi

* Adin and Adin's Secret Scroll cannot be used as Memory Imprints for New Kid Adin.


6. Powder of Knowledge Shop Item List Rotation

■ Sale Period

1/9 (Thu) 03:00 – 2/20 (Thu) 02:59 UTC


Price (Powder of Knowledge)

Purchase Limit

Bottle of Knowledge



Greater Artifact Charm



Lesser Artifact Charm



5 Double-Edged Decrescent



5 Rod of Amaryllis



5 Bloody Rose



5 Sphere of Inferno



4 Dust Devil



4 Water's Origin


4 El's Fist


4 Aurius




7. Other
- Added special dialogue for "Hellion Lua" when encountering New Kid Adin as an enemy.
- Added special dialogue for "Bystander Hwayoung" when encountering New Kid Adin as an enemy.

Thank you.

Reply 28
Notification has been disabled.

God this is a joke at this point. Can we get some content pls ? 


New year nothing new.


Should just be called "Update"

For the love of god stop with these garbage events, they're not good it's one of the worst designed, laziest events to date and your stupid artificial blockers because you refuse to make any real content anymore needs to stop, I don't give a flying fish how much money you've made, stop sitting around ******* eachother off and do something, maybe replace your entire management and dev team to, might actually do something, maybe if the useless ignorant players stop whoring with their money things would change. 

Maybe if your banner systems weren't some of the worse designed systems to exist, it's worse than the chinese systems, and that says something because gacha systems are always dog water by design because of pure greed. 

Dead game

I posted this before and I'm not sure if this is the right place to say this but when we pull a second dupe of Zio/Belian/AMerc/Harsetti/etc, can we get the option to buy imprints with gold transmit stones in the same way we have the option to do that on our first copy? If we want to imprint them, we need slates or more ML 5* dupes and that's the only other way I know of imprinting them (unless I'm forgetting something else).

I don't understand. You can imprint ml chapter bosses with either dupes OR imprint mats from shop. 

150 pulls no ml senya? 150 pulls no harsetti?? 170 pulls no ml hwayoung??? and an unexciting rerun. What did I expect from scamgate. Rerun Aespa where. I don't even want the characters, I just want Rocket Punch for my Pyllis. I'll come back to pity the next new ML5  and let the cycle repeat in another 2 months, but for now bye and fk you smellgate.

rerun of boring content and nothing

good job SG, I just lost half of my guild mates

Calma herdeiros em breve eles anunciam alguma collab seguida de um herói limitado para quem estiver de carteira vazia nao reclame pois ainda vem banner triplo e especializacao de algum 3* que ninguem usa. 

New year nothing new.

Should just be called "Update"

Es mucho contenido nuevo, demasiado, por favor deténganse. Amo Epic.

God this is a joke at this point. Can we get some content pls ? 

You a fkn streamer btching about content caz your channel is dying?

My God, what a horrible frame. It's a bit frustrating trying to achieve a good ranking just because you like RTA, the prizes are mediocre, RTA needed to undergo restructuring urgently. rta should have more rankings per placement like the Emperor and the Legend, it doesn't make sense for the person with 3430 points to be in the same ranking as the person with 2200 points, and a good alternative for the prizes would be for the skin to be only for the highest rankings and obviously, the skins should change the animation of S3, that should be the basics of this game, they could create skins that would actually change something and sell them in the store, it bothers me that other games make so much money with skins while epic seven leaves this aside

" rta should have more rankings per placement like the Emperor and the Legend" why would you want this?

" the skin to be only for the highest rankings" nope, people would get even more frustrated climbing for the skin

" the skins should change the animation of S3" this one maybe, like it techically does, but I get your point

"  It's a bit frustrating trying to achieve a good ranking just because you like RTA" play cause you like it not cause it rewards you

1 - the frame is good
2 - skin for the highest rank ? you want the game to go EOS ?
3 - you play rta because you want and/or have fun, if its this frustrating for you, quit it

the only good point you made was s3 animations, it be cool to have special ones

dude just quit the game ffs

you need to think before you comment man

first of all i love this frame 

imagine the skin is for only legend and emp so many people will quit they already started giving us way less skin tickets we got so much epic passes this year with no skin tickets in it

about the rta points the only time the gap is that big is last week of season most times emp is in the 2700-3200 range 

if you hate rta dont play or just get masters for the skin and call it a day

profile image

SlakoffBeen playing RTA for a loooong time and I have never seen Emp in 2700 range especially the last week of the season, Emp is usually around 3200 in de last week and can go up to 3400 sometimes, so I kinda agree, someone who played over 2k matches gets the same rewards as someone who did 80 matches, strange no?

Game Maintenance's post

작성 시간 01.15.2025

1/16 (Thu) Maintenance Notice (Completed) [13]

2025.01.15 10:30
작성 시간 01.15.2025

1/16 (Thu) Update Content [26]

2025.01.15 10:30
작성 시간 01.08.2025

1/9 (Thu) Update Content [28]

2025.01.08 09:00
작성 시간 01.03.2025

1/3(Fri) Patch Information [3]

2025.01.03 10:10
작성 시간 01.02.2025

1/2(Thu) Patch Information [1]

2025.01.02 09:20