Draft Arena Overhaul
Epic Seven
  • Official Community
  • Turn-Based RPG
  • Smilegate Holdings

커뮤니티 게시판 글상세




Draft Arena Overhaul

Draft arena in my opinion is a very stale game mode and for those who want to use it get into RTA without the units necessary to do it, it doesn't teach them anything. It doesn't teach them how to properly draft (cause the units you get are random and may not get a unit that will help them with the draft which gets to my next point), it's often times super one sided like they have a perfect team to combo off each other but because you have to rely on rng, you may not get a team that can counter theirs. 

I suggest that draft arena gets changed to become more like RTA where you have the draft arena roster at your full disposal meaning that it goes less from rng on units you are given from the 3 options and your one reset and being able to pick specific units to counter the enemies draft than relying on luck. It will help those who want to get into RTA understand how to draft better, how to counter pick and if you include it, how play around ban protection. I don't remember if that feature is sticking around or not but if it is you want to include it, if it's getting removed best not to have it. 

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Suggestions's post

작성 시간 12.19.2024

Bystander Hwayoung [4]

2024.12.19 20:47
작성 시간 12.17.2024

p2w arena ,pls bring back old arena

2024.12.17 23:27
작성 시간 12.17.2024

Draft Arena Overhaul

2024.12.17 10:59
작성 시간 12.12.2024

Rewatch Tutorials Button [1]

2024.12.12 19:08
작성 시간 12.11.2024

⚠️You can reset heroes already leveled up to level 1!⚠️

2024.12.11 22:44