Rewatch Tutorials Button [1]
Hi Stove, Team E7, GM Dominiel et. al.;
May we budget-develop-distribute a “Rewatch Skipped or Played Tutorials” button? Users have asked, but still seek playable answers.
So… I skipped the tutorial after beating Zio 4:10-10 (using waaaay to much skystone haha) -by zombie tapping that juicy, glittering button marked “SKIP TUTORIAL” Lol. Wanted to rewatch but can’t find out how by googling, Youtubing, or searching for “tutorial” on ingame browser as well as here OnStove (9 pages btw!) Few viable answers exist. Most answers instruct heirs to switch servers and begin a new account, or start a fresh game. That’s a looooong time just to get some tasty tutorial guidance between episodes. Watching tutorials helps focus resources in-game; that makes for a less confusing, stronger user experience. (Returns more relevant, saleable user location & useage data irl?!) A Rewatch Tutorials button makes sense, here’s why: People have searched for it. -There’s a market for it. The information’s already in the downloaded game. -Easy on the data centers. It won’t skew usage metrics (if so; create an simple exception by coding some invisible-to-enduser designator) Lastly, Tutorials help heirs devote resources smartly; resulting in richer gameplay experience.
GM Dominiel (GM Ras?! GM DICHE?!?!); please set a Rewatch Tutorials button in Game Settings, or wherever makes sense to the team.
Thanks for your consideration and (presumably) action. —Also; many thanks crafting, dev’ing & distro’ing an already amazing experience!
Your Heir;
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thanks bro