SG hates Hwa is real
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SG hates Hwa is real [7]

Bring back justice for Bystander Hwayoung at least SG her kit is bad as bad can be. What with a damage hero that can’t deal damage properly. As you can see in the showcase, she can only deal 27k damage on Ruele, and Ruele not even that tanky, also, what if Ruele got def buff or she can buff her damage limit first ?

Anyway, ML Hwa is bad and here is why. Her skill so inconsistent, what the point of def scaling when most of the freaking meta units has 100 pen ? She will die immediately, and don’t get me start on people who says: Oh just bring ML Ilynav with. Then let me tell you: If you have your ML Ilynav on your team, when will you be able to get that 40% damage on ally to activate her passive ? And isn’t that ML Ilynav also one of her target so that you have reason to pick her ? If a unit have to pick with a unit to work then it’s not a good unit am I right ?

Also, some people will say, just bring squishy heroes with her so she can activate her s2. Well then congratulations, you got Amiki soloed. And also, what’s the point of bringing many squishy unit into tanky enemies team anyway.

Not to mention her S2 hit random target, what if she hit the target that behind Bride Senya ? Welp, she just harm her own teammates

Finally, her damage just not worth it, she can only deal 20k on an LRK when she already had sigurd scythe, what about non-light: 10k ? What about when not Sigurd scythe ? 7-8k on non-light ? Her damage can’t be increased once enter the battle, also, random target make she easily got baited like Celine

Finally, you think 40% exchange attack is big ? Look at Karina, she has more def and health, and she can buff def, no tanky enough, then what about stat hungry Hwa ? Just not worth it

And can’t you not make her immune to buff is only a demerit to her ? That’s nonsense, at least make her immune to enemies’ buff too which is mean, no matter how they buffed: def, invincible, damage limit, it won’t affect her damage.

TLDR: ML Hwa not worth it (in terms of gameplay), she needs buff or you just hate Hwa

Reply 7
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Uhm, Everyone, I am here not to say "I told you so", hope she get a buff soon. Thanks SG

s2 proc should hit light target if present

Bro smoking fent


Her kit good skill 3 and 2 no buff debuff again light tank and light team

How much peyote did you smoke my friend ?


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