11/21 (Thu) Update Content (modified on 11/21 09:04)
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  • Turn-Based RPG
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Game Maintenance


Game Maintenance

[Update] 11/21 (Thu) Update Content (modified on 11/21 09:04) [14]

Hello, Heirs! This is GM Dominiel! 


Let's take a look at what we have in store for you in this week's update.

Players will be able to view these updates after the maintenance on 11/21 (Thu).



1. Moonlight Theater, Natalon Academy 

The story of Moonlight Heroes in another world,

A new episode of Moonlight Theater, Natalon Academy is available!


Entry Conditions

- Clear Episode 2 stage 10-10. Twisted Core


■ Natalon Academy Summary

- Act 3–6 of "Trouble Brewing at Ghan High" will be added in the Moonlight Theater, Natalon Academy.



- An illustration will be added upon watching Season 1 Act 3.


2. Ancient Inheritance Season 11

Ancient Inheritance Season 11 begins now!

Embark on a new exploration with fellow Guild members as you delve into the hidden dimension of "Ancient Dragon's Tomb," where the history of Orbis and mysterious events await you!


■ Schedule


Event Schedule


11/24 (Sun) 18:00 – 12/8 (Sun) 17:59 UTC


11/25 (Mon) 03:00 – 12/9 (Mon) 02:59 UTC


11/25 (Mon) 10:00  12/9 (Mon) 09:59 UTC

■ Location

Guild > Battlefield > Ancient Inheritance


■ Eligible Guilds

  ① Guild Condition: 16 or more members

  ② Member Condition: Account Rank 40 or above

* Guild members who satisfy the member condition during the Ancient Inheritance season will be able to participate immediately.

* Guilds that had 16 or more members when the season started and lost members with the total number of current members below 16 will still be able to continue to play in Ancient Inheritance.

* Guild members who left a Guild and joined another during the Ancient Inheritance season will have their progress and Exchange currencies reset.

    Defeating multiple Boss monsters in different Guilds will not award the players multiple Equipment rewards.

* Players who have defeated the Boss and moved to the next zone through the portal will not be able to return to the previous zone.

■ Ancient Dragon's Tomb Summary
 - Ancient Dragon's Tomb is divided into three zones.

- The Exploration Level and Battle Level are separated and each level increases according to its respective progress.

- Both Exploration Level and Battle Level have a maximum of 10 levels each.


[Exploration Level]

- Players will be able to obtain EXP when their character moves from tile to tile or interacts with objects in Ancient Dragon's Tomb.

- As your Exploration Level increases, you can acquire various effects including deploying more Heroes to expeditions.

- The Ancient Dragon's Key, required to open treasure chests, can be obtained as a reward for leveling up Exploration Level.

[Battle Level]

- Upon battling with monsters, you can acquire EXP for the element that is advantageous against the monster's element.

 ㄴ Example: Winning a battle against an Earth element monster yields Fire element EXP.

- When Element Level increases, the stats of Heroes belonging to that element increase.

■ How to Proceed - Ancient Dragon's Tomb

- In the Ancient Dragon's Tomb, players need to undertake quests with their Guild members to proceed to the next zone.

- Upon completing the conditions of a quest, the following quest will begin.

- You can challenge the Boss appearing in Ancient Dragon's Tomb twice a day.

- Fulfilling the quest conditions summons a Boss. When the summoned Boss's Health drops to a certain level, they temporarily retreat, and Wardens appear to protect the Boss. After defeating all the Wardens that appear on the map, the Boss will reappear. Defeating the reappeared Boss allows you to proceed to the next zone.

■ Reward

[Instant Rewards]

- Rewards for normal objects players discover or for defeating normal monsters in Ancient Inheritance will be given to the players immediately.

- Elite/Warden/Boss Monster battles are cooperative content where you have to join forces with other Guild members. Participation rewards will be given right after each battle.

- The Ancient Dragon's Key is required to open treasure chests and obtain rewards.

- The Ancient Dragon's Key can be obtained as a reward for reaching a certain Exploration Level, and there is a chance to acquire them as additional drops when battling normal monsters.

[Guild History Reward]

- Tap the "Notification" icon to see the Guild History in Ancient Inheritance.

- Event Tab: Information such as Elite Monster and Warden Defeat Notices, Boss Encounter/Defeat Notices, and Guild Treasure Chest Rewards will be listed in chronological order.

- Rewards from winning Cooperative Monster Battles and Guild Treasure Chests will be displayed here. Tap Receive Reward to receive the rewards.

* Clear Rewards are given to all Guild members via Notice regardless of their participation (Excluding Elite/ Warden Monsters)

* Guild members who have not participated in Ancient Inheritance cannot receive the rewards.


■ Exchange

- Ancient Dream Shards collected in Ancient Inheritance can be exchanged for valuable items in the Exchange.

- Exchange will close a week after the current Ancient Inheritance season ends.

■ Main Rewards

3. Jenua & Dark Blood Keeper Drop Rate Up

In this Drop Rate Up, meet Jenua, the 5★ Fire elemental Thief who delivers powerful Single Attacks, and the Thief exclusive Artifact, Dark Blood Keeper, which increases Attack and grants a barrier proportional to Attack once every three turns after using a non-attack skill.

 ■ Schedule
 11/21 (Thu) after the maintenance – 11/28 (Thu) 02:59 UTC

4. Two New Exclusive Equipment 

New Exclusive Equipment for 5★ Fairytale Tenebria and 5★ Immortal Wukong will be added to the Hall of Trials Exchange. 

Players can obtain Exclusive Equipment from the Hall of Trials Exchange using Wisdom's Gaze. 

Exclusive Equipment stats and skill effects will be applied randomly upon purchase. 


■ Exclusive Equipment 

5★ Fairytale Tenebria 

 5★ Immortal Wukong 


Exclusive Equipment

Cost (Wisdom's Gaze)

Time of Tales (Fairytale Tenebria)


Regal Crown (Immortal Wukong)


 - New Exclusive Equipment for the 5★ Heroes, Hwayoung and Summertime Iseria, will be added to the Alchemist's Steeple.


5. Powder of Knowledge Shop Item List Rotation

■ Sale Period

11/28 (Thu) 03:00  1/9 (Thu) 02:59 UTC


Cost (Powder of Knowledge)

Purchase Limit

Bottle of Knowledge



Greater Artifact Charm



Lesser Artifact Charm



5★ Knowledge Seed



5★ Bloodstone



5★ Sigurd Scythe



5★ Rise of a Monarch



4★ Barthez's Orbuculum



4★ Sashe Ithanes



4★ Elyha's Knife



4★ Wondrous Potion Vial




6. Rift Season 2: Nightmare of the Oceans Schedule Adjustments

- We previously announced that Rift Season 2: Nightmare of the Oceans would end on 1/29 (Wed) at 17:59 UTC. However, the end date has now been rescheduled to 1/2 (Thu) at your server's reset time. We apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause and ask our Heirs who haven't claimed their season rewards to double-check the updated closing date to avoid any confusion. (modified on 11/21 09:04)
- We will provide additional details through a separate notice regarding the start of Season 3.


7. Other Improvements and Adjustments

■ Skill Preview Improved

- The skill preview feature has been improved to display triggered skills that certain Heroes have.
  * Affected Heroes: Festive Eda, Jenua, Schniel


■ Other

- The Hero recommendation tags for December content have been updated. 

- The tooltip format for displaying two or more stat changes has been partially adjusted.

- Descriptions regarding additional/fixed damage based on hit success after skill use have been standardized.
* No functional changes will be made.
- 5★ Specimen Sez equipped with Exclusive Equipment has been adjusted to prioritize attacking asleep enemies in Auto-Battle.

- Fixed an issue where no system message was displayed when moving Artifacts to the Storage from the Mystic Summon screen.
- Improved the reference stat descriptions for additional damage in 5★ Sol's "Tyrant Rave ver. Beta" and 4★ Khawana's "Hey There!."

- The portrait positioning in the Summon UI for 5★ Schniel has been adjusted.
- An issue where assigning certain Heroes that are also used by the opponent causes their certain special effect to activate for only one party will be fixed. (added on 11/21 04:11)
 * 3★ Silvertide Christy, 3★ Christy - Oath Shield
 * 3★ Ainos 2.0 - Harvest Rune
 * 3★ Adventurer Ras - Solitude Rune

Reply 14
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F tene needed a speed EE. This simply isn’t enough for her to be relevant.

My opinion about EE's

1. Ftenne besides needing more speed base, would be good for one of the EE return the poison that was removed from her S1 a long time ago

2. Wukong would work better with that EE that procs AOE from s1 not only in counterattacks, but when > attacking out of turn by any means <

3. HYufine is one of the few old limited units that doesn't even have an EE to this day, in addition to lost the G. attack buffs years ago.

Ftene first 2 options are clearly made for yulha, you can't fool anyone SG


I'm really happy about the new AI announcement 😁 but???? Wth was the EE from wukong means? I don't think anybody is building wukong on counter set? How does he counter? Also does it also applies on dual attacks?

By the looks of it, I don't think so. Unfortunately, it only says counterattacking. So, it might just be a bait. I think the best one by far is the 2nd one. T_T

I wish Wukong have second EE "Increase Critical Hit Resistance by 30%" instead, so pair with his artifact he could reach 100% full-time. Oh well, now I can play with 80% Crit.hit.res, which is highest among Senya, Navy Captain Landy, Gunther and Choux

I'd rather seeing him with " Shapeshifting: This hero disguises as another commonly seen hero in defense teams that is not already in your team. Only after the battle starts, the caster's true identity is revealed to the opponent. "

great no web event o7 web event 

This is how they recuperate all the free energy from the Dash event. Gotta say the netmarble guy was hired for a reason and hes good. This year they slowly implemented many sneaky tactics to get us to use our resources (Arena changes, no web event, Morts fear and Harsettis passive that makes us build two version of units....) and all they gotta do is give us free stuff up front to make most folks cave and return to praising them while not realizing long term how we actually got screwed

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MomopaiCareful you will be called conspiracy theorist for bringing up netmarble guy.

And yes, I want to save up energy for events, not use energy to get energy and not being able to save it. What a sneaky b***h...

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MomopaiIf you would have looked at the Meruin-Mail u would have seen that we get a new special event for Young Senya tooo, just like the Lua one. If it works the same it resets every 4 days, giving u 800 energy. Meaning the same as the web event. Additionally the other rewards u can exchange are much better then the web event ones. So there´s your web event, in upgraded fashion nonetheless.

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0svaldExpertly proved my point about freebies being misdirection to make us forget our concerns, but honestly I'd rather you be right and me be wrong.

So I hope the Lua and Senya evnts are not temporary or they bring back the web events. Also, in the past we'd get Meruin news freebies and web event dailies in conjuction. Still not sure why it changed, especially since choosing equivalent energy means you can't buy everything  in shop b4 the event ends, which is also something they didn't do in past

Well, the Hellion event is your new web event. It is "better". It has some positives, less laggy, much more energy, and more rewards and better rewards. The only negative is that energy cannot be stored.

F tene needed a speed EE. This simply isn’t enough for her to be relevant.

Game Maintenance's post

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