SteveYang/Europe/Easy Comp. HighScore10M+ for Beginner or Intermediate Players
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Death Dealer Ray Tips


Death Dealer Ray Tips

[1st] SteveYang/Europe/Easy Comp. HighScore10M+ for Beginner or Intermediate Players

My comps here to get 10M+ score for Death Dealer Ray Halls of Trial : Tamarine(Front)/Cecilia/Destina/Cermia(back)

Comps and Artefacts :

1. Tamarine (SPD, Health, Res.eff)- Magahara Tomes (for Push her CR), you must have one since it is a 4 star artefact

2. Destina (SPD, Health, Res.eff) - Baton Shimadra (for more healings), if you do not have, I recommend any art. that could give more healings or CR push

3. Cecilia (SPD, Health, 100 effectiveness)- Hilag Lance (for push Ally's CR), you can put anything aside too for barriers buff or def increase

4. Cermia (Crit rate, Crit damage rate, Atk, SPD)  - Cruel Mischief (Since I have played for 2 years, I managed to buy it from Halls of Trial's Shop - To increase damages), but if you do not have, you can put any 4 stars or 5 stars artefact to increase her atk or survival rate

Strategy :

1. At the beginning, Dealer Ray will put poisons and venoms on your team, you need to use Destina to use S3 to neutralise everyone in your team. While others just focus attacking. MOST IMPORTANT : Save Cecilia's S3 for later!

2. Sustain your team while atk the boss (ignore completely the monsters aside) before Dealer Ray used his S2 (normally 2 turns normal atk before it happens.

3. When DDR used his S2, this is the moment you must cleanse your team from poisons and venoms again, either with Destina's S3 or Tamarine S3 (I personally used Tamarinne as she has 220+ Speed and CR Push).

4. Use Cecilia S3 Provoke on all enemies, and normally it will work if you have at least 100 effectiveness. Then the monsters will be gone and DDR enters into stake moment.

5. At this stage, using S3 Tamarine and use her S1 instead of S2, to increase Cermia CR and use her S1 on boss. (DO NOT FORGET to put Cermia's EXCLUSIVE EQUIPEMENT 25% chance to S1 atk in order to deal more damage)

6. Repeat at Step 1, until the boss 3rd Death where it kills all your team.

And Voila, that is it. Here screenshot below is my score to inspire you, It is not that high but as I indicated on title, this compositions is more likely for beginner and intermediate players since Cermia, Destina and Tamarine are easy to obtain during the Debut Play.

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