Problem in game [3]
This game battle rng make me depression, 15%, duall attack 3%, normal arena all haserti with 2 tank + ruele/fire flan, random start cr push like mine was 323 speed, but enemy has 310 speed he got first turn, what a make sense sir ? , go login at asia server, go to normal arena, look at there properly. You can count it with your finger how many legend, no one emperor sir.
And epic seven developer forget about dagger siccar hall of trial. How to clear it if every 1-2 months new boss.
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323 * 0.95 = 306.85, so it's possible :(
Idiocy with 15% from nowhere and random initial 0-5% CR push was there right from the start and they don't give a fck about to cancel it. The dev is dumb and the publisher is a greed AF typical stereotype of effective manager who think only about how to make more money before the game turns into a ghost town.
And thesebosses arent in dagger