10/4(Fri) Patch Notice
Epic Seven
  • Official Community
  • Turn-Based RPG
  • Smilegate Holdings

커뮤니티 게시판 글상세

Game Maintenance


Game Maintenance

[Maintenance] 10/4(Fri) Patch Notice [13]

Hello, Heirs!

This is GM Dominiel.

Epic Seven will have a patch on 10/4(Fri).

Please note that while players may experience some server instability during this time, your game data will be unaffected.


Please see below for more details.


 10/4(Fri) Patch Information

1. Schedule: 10/4(Fri) 14:00 UTC

2. Details: 

-  An intermittent issue where gameplay becomes impossible when Midnight Gala Lilias uses her Skill 3 in the Brawl

 Please Note

- Even if the game closes after the patch application, the player’s game data will be unaffected.
- Once the patch is distributed, reconnecting to the game will automatically install the patch.
- During the patch, you may be abruptly disconnected from the game. Reconnecting the game will allow you to play as normal.
- If possible, we ask that our players wait until the patch is over to log into the game.

We apologize for any inconvenience that may occur due to this patch. We will continue doing our best to provide you with the best service possible.


Thank you!

Reply 13
Notification has been disabled.

You forgot to revert the coin shop back to its original intended line up


Hi All, 

I am running into an issue on MacOS and on Google Play Games where when I download and attempt to patch, it stalls at 16.2%. Other users have experienced the same issue and has been brought up on reddit. Please kindly look into this issue- TY

This patch broke new instalations.

Everyone gangsta until MG Lilias start using her ult until the game crash

How long does it take?

im saying man 

Please publish October's Free Unequip Event schedule.

coolio :)



Thank you for all the updates and support for a wonderful and fun game!

well said

You forgot to revert the coin shop back to its original intended line up

Game Maintenance's post

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