Whats the point of these mediocre balance patches
Epic Seven
  • Official Community
  • Turn-Based RPG
  • Smilegate Holdings

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General Discussion


General Discussion

Whats the point of these mediocre balance patches

Theres no point putting out these mediocre balance patches when its only twice a year

this quality of balance patch would only be ok if it was once a month

its so garbage

so many units and artifacts never see play because of how garbage they are

how the **** is a 5* artifact sword of judgement worse than 4* dust devil

20% chance to extra attack with s1 when attacking with single attack
30% chance to extra attack with s1 when attacking with basic skill

at the minimum, SoJ should be 40% - 60% because its a 5* artifact

pflan changes just made her more useless than before

meanwhile all the same units are running rampant in rta

**** whats the point of https://epic7.gg.onstove.com/en and your rta statistics when you literally do nothing with it

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작성 시간 08.31.2024

seapoli doing what she does best, drowning this game to the bottom of the sea

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작성 시간 08.31.2024

e7wc so exciting

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작성 시간 08.30.2024

Whats the point of these mediocre balance patches

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