6/25(Wed) Patch Notice
Epic Seven
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  • Turn-Based RPG
  • Smilegate Holdings

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Game Maintenance


Game Maintenance

[Maintenance] 6/25(Wed) Patch Notice [32]

Hello, Heirs!

This is GM Dominiel.

Epic Seven will have a patch on 6/25(Wed).

Please note that while players may experience some server instability during this time, your game data will be unaffected.


Please see below for more details.


 6/25(Wed)  Patch Information

1. Schedule: 6/25(Wed) 07:40 UTC

2. Details: 

- Adjustments will be made so that the Normal Battle button is displayed first in Arena > Start Battle.
ㆍYou can switch between Start Battle and Quick Match by pressing the button in the lower right corner.

 Please Note

- Even if the game closes after the patch application, the player’s game data will be unaffected.

- Once the patch is distributed, reconnecting to the game will automatically install the patch.

- During the patch, you may be abruptly disconnected from the game. Reconnecting the game will allow you to play as normal.

- If possible, we ask that our players wait until the patch is over to log into the game.


We apologize for any inconvenience that may occur due to this patch. We will continue doing our best to provide you with the best service possible.


Thank you!


Reply 32
Notification has been disabled.

Who even asked for these Arena changes, especially the insane degrading. E7 is quikcly becoming too much of a grind in every game mode, ******* the fun out of everything


with arena rework I've already been attacked more than I have ever been attacked in a single week just 8 hours of it being back online. Defense percentages need to be seriously looked at and adjusted so that players arent being constantly knocked down or out of a league. I was only at Challenger 1 too! was knocked out of Champ 5 almost as soon as the arena came back online....


You’re that desperate in forcing players to play Arena? These changes make me hate it even more, if you can’t do it properly, just keep things the way they were! 

Oh hey let's fix the least dumb thing about our dumb arena update the auto combat button which should just be called " the auto lose " button

the rework wouldnt be a problem if this chaos wasn't going to happen every 3 months..you ruined your own already hard to come by SS economy. Also putting the gear on a battle pass, never had to struggle clearing it all before. SO this just rewards the low ranked players..

Congrats on doing the biggest blunder ever, ive never seen the community this mad

good job plumming my motivations to the lowest it has ever been. even the awakening system didn't hit me this hard. before, i was fine doing some 15-20 important wins a week to earn my place and my weekly 800 SkyStones. now i'm continously being dropped below 4650. i neither have enough flags or the patience to reroll 3 targets instead of 5 to earn some 50ish points and when i return to the game a couple hours later, i find myself back below 4650 again. 

this system clearly favors the more active, and more willing to pay players since they can spend SkyStones easily for more flags and might just have better heroes, equips and comps alltogether. for me struggling this hard to reach a status quo i settled in for years by a change that clearly wasn't detailed this specific before, makes me just wanna jump games NOW.

and i remember you talking about Exklusive Equipment for ML5 in Merurins Video section which will likely just make the situation all the more worse.

man comments should be disabled for the first 2 days.... To many rank 12 trashtalk cluelesly without reading the patch notes properly or testing first.....

I'm pretty sure you are trolling
Arena changes are trash and unhealthy for the game

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Zeordont bother trying to convince sg bootlickers, waste of time

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ZeorI mean you're complaining about a skill issue that YOU have, the new system favors active players? no way - they give premium currency and other rewards such as the free battle pass to invested and active players? wow... you really must **** at arena or be afk Andy to complain about these changes

Why no quick match for npc match?????

Read the post again

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BlackPigeonRead my question again.

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learn to F read my guy, it's the second time I'm telling you

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BlackPigeonDude. He is asking about NPC match.

You’re that desperate in forcing players to play Arena? These changes make me hate it even more, if you can’t do it properly, just keep things the way they were! 

I take the new arena over anything else. Offers more engagement, less repetition, a free pass with rewards and more

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BlackPigeonYou can stop white knighting for this stupid move by SG. The arena was fine, why fix something that was not broken? Meanwhile, other promised contents are long overdue. Classic SG.

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Invictus99and what did they "fixed"? all I see is a new matching system and more rewards

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BlackPigeonI’m just being sarcastic. Btw, I’ll repost a comment on Reddit: “People camping a ******* AI arena for skystones in no way needed to change and negatively impacted no one. Now we HAVE to do it for the same ******* rewards we’ve been getting for years. Seriously, **** off.”

You don’t have to reply to everyone’s comment to prove your point, SG employee. Bye!

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BlackPigeonEveryone has to play arena, which severely increases your odds of being attacked and decreasing in rank. Which causes you to play more arena, and decrease other's rank as well. Which causes them to play more to maintain that rank or just quit and earn less ss instead.The complaint is the vicious cycle. People wouldn't complain as much if they had a remedy to this and could secure their previous ss income. But this was intended by sg to turn all into sweaty tryhards even in casual mode such as flag arena

Give us our ******* compensation stones what the fuuuuu

FR :


Je pense personnellement que SG se tire une balle dans le pied avec ce changement de l'arène.

Rendre le jeu plus chronophage et avoir moins de récompenses ne fera que faire partir des joueurs.

Le pire étant la rétrogradation des joueurs et qu'il n'y ait pas de limite d'attaque subit qui est juste un non sense ( j'ai dépassé les 30 attaque subit en 12 heures, enjoy).

Sans oublier que la vengeance n'est désormais possible que 1 fois au lieu de 3 fois, cool.

Je ne comprends pas ce choix de stratégie car vous précipiter la fin du jeu.

Littéralement, les joueurs ne POURRONT PAS tenir la cadence.

Bref, très déçu 

sc*mmy tactics portrayed as "improvements"

with arena rework I've already been attacked more than I have ever been attacked in a single week just 8 hours of it being back online. Defense percentages need to be seriously looked at and adjusted so that players arent being constantly knocked down or out of a league. I was only at Challenger 1 too! was knocked out of Champ 5 almost as soon as the arena came back online....

I've been attacked in 12 hours 29 times.

It's just insane. I can't continue to farm, for just don't lose my rank, so I'vent hope to up now.

Get gut or get out

thanks GM so much

Why is it that when I win an Arena match, I get +5 even though game says I'll get +10 for the win?. Please explain this.

You probably got hit

Who even asked for these Arena changes, especially the insane degrading. E7 is quikcly becoming too much of a grind in every game mode, ******* the fun out of everything

Clearly they realised they can make more money by making players play everyday. We spend more flags to climb we are forced to play, even advertising to buy energy packs when we farm and now are encouraging more ways to spend money on flags. Offline arena isn’t competitive until Legend and now maybe Emperor, however they’re trying to make every rank competitive. The weekly 150 skystones is an illusion to make us believe we are earning more by fighting more. Say the average player can only play weekends: Fri, Sat, Sun. We get at least 10 flags a day. That doesn’t account for how many times we are attacked and how many fights we can guarantee a win. So in order to play we must be online 24/7. It is apparent that it is no longer a game, it’s becoming a job to play epic seven — requiring us to work hard; while pay is low.

They’re already advertising ML Luna as the solution to earn new currency. It will continue on and go downhill until we are accustomed to all being whales.

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LoewenherzAn average player doesn’t only play on weekends, they still have to log on everyday to do their dailies and guild wars. If you’re used to it, it’ll only take a maximum of 45 minutes a day.

The 150 ss makes it so that we don’t have to spend our flags on npcs anymore, we can just hit the player defense teams and still get our ss. It’s only 45 matches a week in arena, if you cram everything in weekends then it’s a given that you’d be having trouble staying on track, it’s like getting your assignments done everyday compared to piling them up til last minute. 
The energy packs are not worth it at all and you’re already getting enough to get all your daily tasks done. You’d normally not gonna touch them at all. 

I don't think a premium currency should be given away free for afk-ing at great ranks. It's not healthy for the game. Get gud or get out

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BlackPigeonChampion V is not a great rank… if you think it is then you’re most likely a master player at best at maybe Europe server…

Thank you! I hope this feature will be added in npc arena too!

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