RiftSeason2 tips
Epic Seven
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  • Turn-Based RPG
  • Smilegate Holdings

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Game Tips


Game Tips

[RiftSeason2] RiftSeason2 tips

Just pull for wukong, turn off skills in autobattle, and run him with bellona, vivian, and bernard. Give them all damage except for bernard, and tune them to go after bernard so he cleanses them with s3. Wukong is ur frontline, main dps, and does the boss mech, so make sure he survives. You can run immunity on wukong to help negate the initial venom proc, you can run bloodstone on bellona to help heal, or you can have more hp on bernard for more effective heals. The rift devices you run should be ordered 3/3/1/1. By from level 1-8 you should at most three shot, from 9-15 you should at most two shot, and from onwards you should one shot. At the start if you cant survive u can consider running the 2nd rift device from the first level to heal your party when wukong attacks to help stabilize the lower level runs. 

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