
[Fan Art] Another year, Another hope for Brinus. My entry in 4th contest. [1] Brinus Phantom of Politia Log file: 1 October xxxx ???: Do you still believe that you are not abandoned? Brinus: ..... ???: Accept my power, Then show them your existence. My daughter. Brinus: ..... Belian Virus: Good girl. Log End--- Kanna: Brinus, Where are you? Hope this year will see more Brinus in contest to release her from NPC jail. My process:

[Fan Art] Only a mere dream or will it be a recurring nightmare? [3]
i hope you enjoy my riolet lilias fancomic since SG won't update Fallen Land :T more personal notes : 1. yes i ship riolet and cilias romantically, back off haters >:( 2. i tend to make lilias.. bratty when she's around riolet. 3. idk lilias mom design, it's all speculated 4. English is not my first language so i'm really sorry for my broken english 5. i am already accepted the fact that riolet is dead, my hopium is running out :)