작성 시간 02.05.2025

[Update] 2/6 (Thu) Update Content [11]

Hello, Heirs! This is GM Dominiel! * Please note that for this week, no maintenance will be required and the update will be applied automatically. Please see below for more details. 1. Birgitta & Bird's-Eye View Drop Rate Up In this Drop Rate Up event, meet an Ice elemental Soul Weaver, Birgitta, who can simultaneously support allies and suppress the core Heroes on the enemy team by inflicting debuffs on them. Players can also obtain a Soul Weaver exclusive Artifact, Bird's-Eye View, which can acquire Soul when using a non-attack skill. ■ Schedule 2/6 (Thu) 03:00 – 2/13 (Thu) 02:59 UTC 2. Cecilia & Rise of a Monarch Drop Rate Up In this Drop Rate Up event, meet Cecilia, a Fire elemental Knight who is capable of inflicting debuffs on enemies while providing protection to allies. Players can also obtain a Knight exclusive Artifact, Rise of a Monarch, which increases Defense of the caster and grants a barrier to the ally except for the caster with the lowest Health at the end of the turn.

2025.02.05 09:00
작성 시간 01.31.2025

[Maintenance] 01/31(Fri) PC Client Live Patch Notice [2]

Hello Heirs! This is GM Dominiel! Epic Seven will have a PC Client Live Patch on 01/31(Fri). Please note that while players may experience some server instability during this time, your game data will be unaffected. Please see below for more details. ■ 01/31(Fri) PC Client Live Patch 1. Schedule: 01/31(Fri) 09:30 ~ 10:00 UTC 2. Details: Fixed an issue where the Resource Update did not proceed properly on some PC Clients. We'll do our best to provide you with a better gaming experience. * Please Note - This patch affects only the PC client. - Disconnecting from the game will not affect your game data. - Once the patch is distributed, reconnecting to the game will automatically install the patch. - During the patch period, the connection to your game may be temporarily terminated, and the game can be accessed normally after reconnecting. - If possible, we ask that our players wait until the patch is over before logging into the game. We apologize for any inconvenience that may occur due

2025.01.31 09:30
작성 시간 01.29.2025

[Maintenance] 1/31 (Fri) Maintenance Notice (Completed) [8]

Hello Heirs! This is GM Dominiel! The Epic Seven maintenance has ended on 1/31 (Fri) at 07:10 UTC. We want to thank our Heirs for their patience and understanding during the maintenance period. ■ 1/31 (Fri) Maintenance Compensation 1. Compensation: Leif x5 (Delivered to your in-game mailbox, Storage Period: 7 Days) 2. Schedule: 1/31 (Fri) after the maintenance – 2/1 (Sat) 14:59 UTC Heirs on the Asia, Korea, and Japan servers will be given their login reward following the update. ■ 1/31 (Fri) Korea/Asia/Japan Server Log In Reward Distribution Details 1. Reward: Energy x50 (Delivered to your in-game mailbox, Storage Period: 7 Days) 2. Schedule: 1/31 (Fri) after the maintenance – 2/1 (Sat) 17:59 UTC We will do our best to provide you with even better service. Thank you. We would like to inform you that we will have an update on 1/31 (Fri). This week's maintenance is scheduled to take place on Jan 31 (Fri). Please see below for more details. ■ 1/31 (Fri) Maintenance Notice 1. Schedule: 1/3

2025.01.29 10:30
작성 시간 01.29.2025

[Update] 1/31 (Fri) Update Content [75]
동영상 이미지

Hello, Heirs! This is GM Dominiel! Let's take a look at what we have in store for you in this week's update. This week's maintenance is scheduled for 1/31 (Fri), and players will be able to view some of these updates after the maintenance. 1. New 5★ Hero, Lone Wolf Peira A lone wolf taking on the world by herself after losing both her honor and her personal relationships, Lone Wolf Peira has arrived in Orbis! Players will be able to meet the new 5★ Hero, Lone Wolf Peira, in Covenant, Moonlight, and Mystic Summons. ■ Lone Wolf Peira Mystic Summon Schedule 1/30 (Thu) 03:00 – 2/20 (Thu) 02:59 UTC ■ Lone Wolf Peira [Skill Introduction] ■ Preview & Try Lone Wolf Peira 1. Schedule: 1/31 (Fri) after the maintenance – 2/20 (Thu) 02:59 UTC 2. Details: Preview & Try Lone Wolf Peira Event will be added to [Lobby > Special Event > Natalon Academy > Lone Wolf Peira]. 3. Rewards: 1 Leif per event 2. Try Hero Feature Update The "Try Hero" feature will be updated, allowing Heirs to experience new Hero

2025.01.29 10:30
작성 시간 01.24.2025

[Maintenance] 1/24 (Fri) Patch Information [5]

Hello, Heirs! This is GM Dominiel. Epic Seven will have a patch on 1/24 (Fri). Please note that while players may experience some server instability during this time, your game data will be unaffected. Please see below for more details. ■ 1/24 (Fri) Live Patch Notice 1. Schedule: 1/24 (Fri) 07:00 ~ 07:40 UTC 2. Details - The method for matching Arena opponents in [Champion / Emperor / Legend] Leagues will be changed. (▶ Click here for details) - Fixed an issue where playing Rift is not counting towards the "Year of the Blue Snake > Daily Resolution Event", preventing Heirs from earning points. - Fixed an issue where Expedition Wanted Posters could not be obtained when playing Rift. 3. Affected Content: Game access temporarily unavailable. ■ World Arena Server Temporary Maintenance 1. Schedule: 1/24 (Fri) 07:00 ~ 07:20 UTC 2. Details: Temporary Maintenance will be carried out for World Arena server stability 3. Affected content: World Arena will be unavailable. ※ Please Note! - This pat

2025.01.24 06:30
작성 시간 01.22.2025

[Update] 1/23 (Thu) Update Content [18]
동영상 이미지

Hello, Heirs! This is GM Dominiel! * Please note that for this week, no maintenance will be required and the update will be applied automatically. Please see below for more details. 1. New 5★ Hero, Fenne A Homunculus intertwined with a snake, dreaming of a perfect family, Fenne is coming to Orbis! Meet the new 5★ Hero, Fenne, in Covenant Summons. ■ Fenne [Hero Introduction] 2. New 5★ Artifact, Proof of Love ■ The Soul Weaver-exclusive 5★ Artifact, Proof of Love, will be added. 3. New Side Story, Coiled Lies, Update Kidnapped as a test subject by the Taranor Laboratory, Fenne ends up alone and separated from her brother, Sez. The grief of losing her family turned ashes into beauty and she soon adopts a snake as her father... Fenne's Side Story, "Coiled Lies," will be available. ■ Schedule 1/23 (Thu) 03:00 – 2/6 (Thu) 02:59 UTC ■ Entry Conditions - Clear Episode 1 Chapter 10-10, Shrieking Hall ■ Side Story List - New Hero's Side Story will be added to the Side Story List after the Exchan

2025.01.22 09:00
작성 시간 01.22.2025

[Maintenance] 1/22(Wed) Patch & Web Event Temporary Maintenance

Hello, Heirs! This is GM Dominiel. Epic Seven will have a patch on 1/22(Wed). Please note that while players may experience some server instability during this time, your game data will be unaffected. Please see below for more details. ■ 1/22(Wed) Patch Information 1. Schedule: 1/22(Wed) 06:20~ 07:00 UTC 2. Details: Server Stability improvements 3. Affected content: Access to the game will temporarily be unavailable. ■ 1/22(Wed) Web Event Temporary Maintenance 1. Schedule: 1/22(Wed) 06:20~ 07:00 UTC 2. Details: Temporary Maintenance in order to improve the server stability for the Web Event will be carried out.3. Affected content: Access to the Web Event will temporarily be unavailable. ※ Please Note! - Even if the game closes after the patch application, the player’s game data will be unaffected. - Once the patch is distributed, reconnecting to the game will automatically install the patch. - During the patch, you may be abruptly disconnected from the game. Reconnecting the game will

2025.01.22 06:00
작성 시간 01.18.2025

[Maintenance] 01/18(Sat) PC Client Live Patch Notice [16]

Hello Heirs! This is GM Dominiel! Epic Seven will have a PC Client Live Patch on 01/18(Sat). Please note that while players may experience some server instability during this time, your game data will be unaffected. Please see below for more details. ■ 01/18 (Sat) PC Client Live Patch 1. Schedule: 01/18(Sat) 10:40 UTC 2. Details: Fixing an issue where a black screen was displayed when running on the PC Client after the maintenance * Those who experience the black screen issue described above when running the PC Client, please delete the Epic Seven PC Client completely and reinstall. * If the PC Client still does not run properly after the patch, ensure the game is installed in a directory containing only English letters and numbers. Example: - E:\STOVE\Games\EpicSeven (O) - E:\에픽세븐\STOVE\Games\EpicSeven (X) We'll do our best to provide you with a better gaming experience. * Please Note - This patch affects only the PC client. - Disconnecting from the game will not affect your game data

2025.01.18 10:40
작성 시간 01.17.2025

[Maintenance] 1/17 (Fri) Epic Seven iOS Client Update Notice [7]

Hello Heirs, This is GM Dominiel! On 1/17 (Fri), Epic Seven will receive a client update to correct some issues in the game. Please see below for more detailed information. ■ 1/17 (Fri) Epic Seven Client Update Notice 1. Schedule: 1/17 (Fri) 05:00 UTC 2. Details: Fixed an issue where 120 FPS wasn't applied on iPhone devices with ProMotion technology. (ver. 1.0.849) ※ Please Note! - The latest client update can be downloaded by each device’s particular store. - The appearance of the client update may vary depending on your device. ※ If the update does not appear in your store, please see below! [iOS] ① Please search for [Epic Seven] in the App Store and download the client update. ② If the latest update does not display in your app store, please restart your device and check again. [Android] ① Go to [ Google Play > Menu > My Apps/Game ] and tap the update button. ② Go to [Settings > Applications > Google Play Store > Storage > Delete Cache] ③ Please search for [Epic Seven] and download

2025.01.17 05:00
작성 시간 01.15.2025

[Maintenance] 1/16 (Thu) Maintenance Notice (Completed) [13]

Hello Heirs! This is GM Dominiel! The Epic Seven maintenance has ended on 1/16 (Thu) at 06:40 UTC. We want to thank our Heirs for their patience and understanding during the maintenance period. ■ 1/16 (Thu) Maintenance Compensation 1. Compensation: Leif x4 (Delivered to your in-game mailbox, Storage Period: 7 Days) 2. Schedule: 1/16 (Thu) after the maintenance – 1/17 (Fri) 14:59 UTC Heirs on the Asia, Korea, and Japan servers will be given their login reward following the update. ■ 1/16 (Thu) Korea/Asia/Japan Server Log In Reward Distribution Details 1. Reward: Energy x50 (Delivered to your in-game mailbox, Storage Period: 7 Days) 2. Schedule: 1/16 (Thu) after the maintenance – 1/16 (Thu) 17:59 UTC Additionally, we ask our Heirs to please update to the latest version (v 1.0.847) for a more stable service. ※ If the update does not appear in your store, please see below! [iOS] ① Please search for [Epic Seven] in the App Store and download the client update. ② If the latest update does no

2025.01.15 10:30
작성 시간 01.15.2025

[Update] 1/16 (Thu) Update Content [26]
동영상 이미지

Hello, Heirs! This is GM Dominiel! Let's take a look at what we have in store for you in this week's update. Players will be able to view these updates after the maintenance on 1/16 (Thu). 1. Arena 2025-1 Season Begins The Arena Grit Season has come to an end and the 2025-1 Season will begin! We anticipate some truly exciting competition among all of our Heirs! ■ Arena 2025-1 Season Schedule List Server Schedule Arena Grit Season Ending Korea / Asia / Japan 1/19 (Sun) 13:00 UTC Europe 1/19 (Sun) 22:00 UTC Global 1/20 (Mon) 05:00 UTC Arena 2025-1 Season Korea / Asia / Japan 1/19 (Sun) 18:00 – 4/13 (Sun) 13:00 UTC Europe 1/20 (Mon) 03:00 – 4/13 (Sun) 22:00 UTC Global 1/20 (Mon) 10:00 – 4/14 (Mon) 05:00 UTC * Starting from Arena 2025-1 Season, the World Arena and Arena season names will be applied differently. ■ Arena Grit Season Rewards Distribution [Arena Grit Season Frame Distribution] - Players will receive an exclusive Frame according to their Arena Grit Season ranking upon entering

2025.01.15 10:30
작성 시간 01.08.2025

[Update] 1/9 (Thu) Update Content [28]
동영상 이미지

Hello, Heirs! This is GM Dominiel! * Please note that for this week, no maintenance will be required, and the update will be applied automatically. Please see below for more details. 1. World Arena 2025 Spring Season Begins! The World Arena Pre-Season has come to an end and the 2025 Spring Season will begin! We look forward to the fair and fierce competition this season! ■ Schedule - The following is the schedule for the end of the World Arena Pre-Season and the start of the 2025 Spring Season. Category Schedule Pre-Season End 1/11 (Sat) 02:59 UTC 2025 Spring Season Begin 1/11 (Sat) 05:00 UTC 2025 Spring Season End TBD * All the servers will follow the same schedule for the end of the pre-season and the beginning of the 2025 Spring Season. ㄴ Servers: Global/Europe/Asia/Korea/Japan ■ Entry Conditions - Account Rank 60 or above - Requires at least 5 Heroes from each class that are starting grade 2★ or higher. (Does not count Material Heroes / Minimum 30 Heroes) ■ New 2025 Spring Season B

2025.01.08 09:00
작성 시간 01.03.2025

[Maintenance] 1/3(Fri) Patch Information [3]

Hello, Heirs! This is GM Dominiel. Epic Seven will have a patch on 1/3(Fri). Please note that while players may experience some server instability during this time, your game data will be unaffected. Please see below for more details. ■ 1/3(Fri) Patch Information 1. Schedule: 1/3(Fri) 10:30 ~ 11:10 UTC 2. Details: - An issue where an error message is displayed after pressing the [Level Up] button from [Sunshine Garden > Garden Management] of the Special Side Story, "Eerie Night in the Secret Garden," will be fixed. - An issue involving those who have a recorded history of completing Week 3 of the Special Side Story, “A Day for Raspberry Pie,” where once users click on the [Side Story > A Day for Raspberry Pie] banner, users are shown an error message and redirected back to the title screen, will be fixed. - An issue where an abnormal text is displayed on the [Special Event > Natalon Academy > Bystander Hwayoung] page in-game, will be fixed. - An issue where the skill effect of the 5★ H

2025.01.03 10:10
작성 시간 01.02.2025

[Maintenance] 1/2(Thu) Patch Information [1]

Hello, Heirs! This is GM Dominiel. Epic Seven will have a patch on 1/2(Thu). Please note that while players may experience some server instability during this time, your game data will be unaffected. Please see below for more details. ■ 1/2(Thu) Patch Information 1. Schedule : 1/2(Thu) 09:30 ~ 09:50 UTC 2. Details : An issue where certain images in the "New Year Special! 2025 Year of the Blue Snake Event" are not displayed properly will be fixed ※ Please Note! - Even if the game closes after the patch application, the player’s game data will be unaffected. - Once the patch is distributed, reconnecting to the game will automatically install the patch. - During the patch, you may be abruptly disconnected from the game. Reconnecting the game will allow you to play as normal. - If possible, we ask that our players wait until the patch is over to log into the game. We are extremely sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused you and we thank you for your patience during the patch.

2025.01.02 09:20
작성 시간 01.01.2025

[Maintenance] 1/2 (Thu) Maintenance Notice (Completed)

Hello Heirs! This is GM Dominiel! The Epic Seven maintenance has ended on 1/2 (Thu) at 07:30 UTC. We want to thank our Heirs for their patience and understanding during the maintenance period. ■ 1/2 (Thu) Maintenance Compensation 1. Compensation: Leif x5 (Delivered to your in-game mailbox, Storage Period: 7 Days) 2. Schedule: 1/2 (Thu) after the maintenance – 1/3 (Fri) 14:59 UTC Heirs on the Asia, Korea, and Japan servers will be given their login reward following the update. ■ 1/2 (Thu) Korea/Asia/Japan Server Log In Reward Distribution Details 1. Reward: Energy x50 (Delivered to your in-game mailbox, Storage Period: 7 Days) 2. Schedule: 1/2 (Thu) after the maintenance – 1/2 (Thu) 17:59 UTC We will do our best to provide you with even better service. Thank you. We would like to inform you that we will have an update on 1/2 (Thu). Please see below for more details. ■ 1/2 (Thu) Maintenance Notice 1. Schedule: 1/2 (Thu) 03:00 ~ 09:00 UTC 2. Details: ▶ 1/2 (Thu) Update Content ■ Epic Seve

2025.01.01 10:30
작성 시간 01.01.2025

[Update] 1/2 (Thu) Update Content [55]

Hello, Heirs! This is GM Dominiel! Let's take a look at what we have in store for you in this week's update. Players will be able to view these updates after the maintenance on 1/2 (Thu). 1. Special Side Story, "Eerie Night in the Secret Garden," Week 1 The Conclave members went to procure some flowers and trees for the Ezeran Festival. However, Achates's older sister, Byblis, wants one thing in return... Week 1 of Byblis's Special Side Story, "Eerie Night in the Secret Garden" begins again, and the title screen will be changed during the event period. ■ Schedule 1/2 (Thu) after the maintenance – 1/23 (Thu) 02:59 UTC ■ How to Enter Clear Stage 10-10. Shrieking Hall of Episode 1 ■ Special Side Story, "Eerie Night in the Secret Garden" Information [Weekly Opening Schedule] Week Chapter Opening Schedule Week 1 Ezera Larunda Estate 1/2 (Thu) after the maintenance – 1/23 (Thu) 02:59 UTC Week 2 Larunda Estate 1/9 (Thu) 03:00 – 1/23 (Thu) 02:59 UTC Week 3 End-of-Year Festival 1/16 (Thu) after

2025.01.01 10:30
작성 시간 12.25.2024

[Update] 12/26 (Thu) Update Content [20]

Hello, Heirs! This is GM Dominiel! * Please note that for this week, no maintenance will be required, and the update will be applied automatically. Please see below for more details. 1. Yufine & Merciless Glutton Drop Rate Up In this Drop Rate Up event, meet the Earth Elemental Warrior, Yufine, who can inflict great damage utilizing her ability to synergize with allies by debuffing enemies. Players can also obtain the Warrior exclusive Artifact, Merciless Glutton, that increases damage dealt when attacking with a Single Attack and Combat Readiness of all allies except for the caster when defeating an enemy with a Single Attack. ■ Schedule 12/26 (Thu) 03:00 – 2025/1/2 (Thu) 02:59 UTC 2. Sez & Manica of Control Drop Rate Up In this Drop Rate Up event, meet the Ice Elemental Thief, Sez, who can finish enemies with a powerful attack after synergizing with allies. Players can also obtain the Thief exclusive Artifact, Manica of Control, that increases Hit Chance and Critical Hit Chance of Si

2024.12.25 09:00
작성 시간 12.24.2024

[Maintenance] 12/24(Tue) Patch Information [15]

Hello, Heirs! This is GM Dominiel. Epic Seven will have a patch on 12/24(Tue). Please note that while players may experience some server instability during this time, your game data will be unaffected. Please see below for more details. ■ 12/24(Tue) Patch Information 1. Schedule: 12/24(Tue) 10:10 ~ 10:50 UTC 2. Details: An issue for the Special Side Story, 「A Day for Raspberry Pie」, where it was impossible to proceed with intended gameplay under certain specific circumstances has been resolved. ※ Please Note! - Even if the game closes after the patch application, the player’s game data will be unaffected. - Once the patch is distributed, reconnecting to the game will automatically install the patch. - During the patch, you may be abruptly disconnected from the game. Reconnecting the game will allow you to play as normal. - If possible, we ask that our players wait until the patch is over to log into the game. We are extremely sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused you an

2024.12.24 09:40
작성 시간 12.24.2024

[Maintenance] 12/24 (Tue) PC Client Live Patch Notice(Edited) [5]

Hello Heirs! This is GM Dominiel! Epic Seven will have a PC Client Live Patch on 12/24 (Tue). Please note that while players may experience some server instability during this time, your game data will be unaffected. Please see below for more details. ■ 12/24 (Tue) PC Client Live Patch 1. Schedule: 12/24 (Tue) 05:00 UTC 2. Details: Fixed an issue where the PC client would not run properly if the installation path included non-English characters. * Please Note - This patch affects only the PC client. - Disconnecting from the game will not affect your game data. - Once the patch is distributed, reconnecting to the game will automatically install the patch. - During the patch period, the connection to your game may be temporarily terminated, and the game can be accessed normally after reconnecting. - If possible, we ask that our players wait until the patch is over before logging into the game. We apologize for any inconvenience that may occur due to this patch. We will continue doing our

2024.12.24 04:30
작성 시간 12.20.2024

[Maintenance] 12/20(Fri) Patch Information [1]

Hello, Heirs! This is GM Dominiel. Epic Seven will have a patch on 12/20(Fri). Please note that while players may experience some server instability during this time, your game data will be unaffected. Please see below for more details. ■ 12/20(Fri) Patch Information 1. Schedule: 12/20(Fri) 11:40 ~ 12:20 UTC 2. Details: Server Stability improvements 3. Affected content: Access to the game will temporarily be unavailable. ※ Please Note! - Even if the game closes after the patch application, the player’s game data will be unaffected. - Once the patch is distributed, reconnecting to the game will automatically install the patch. - During the patch, you may be abruptly disconnected from the game. Reconnecting the game will allow you to play as normal. - If possible, we ask that our players wait until the patch is over to log into the game. We are extremely sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused you and we thank you for your patience during the patch. maintenance period. We w

2024.12.20 11:30
작성 시간 12.19.2024

[Maintenance] 12/19(Thu) Patch Information [2]

Hello, Heirs! This is GM Dominiel. Epic Seven will have a patch on 12/19(Thu). Please note that while players may experience some server instability during this time, your game data will be unaffected. Please see below for more details. ■ 12/19(Thu) Patch Information 1. Schedule: 12/19(Thu) 14:50 ~ 15:40 UTC 2. Details: Server Stability improvements 3. Affected content: Access to the game will temporarily be unavailable. ※ Please Note! - Even if the game closes after the patch application, the player’s game data will be unaffected. - Once the patch is distributed, reconnecting to the game will automatically install the patch. - During the patch, you may be abruptly disconnected from the game. Reconnecting the game will allow you to play as normal. - If possible, we ask that our players wait until the patch is over to log into the game. We are extremely sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused you and we thank you for your patience during the patch. maintenance period. We w

2024.12.19 14:40
작성 시간 12.18.2024

[Update] 12/19 (Thu) Update Content(Edited on 1/7) [36]
동영상 이미지

(Added Dec. 24, 2024) 5★ Fairytale Tenebria and 5★ Immortal Wukong’s Exclusive Equipments will be added to the Alchemist's Steeple in a future update. We apologize for the confusion. (Added Dec. 23, 2024) Concerning 5★ Covenant Yufine’s balance adjustments, we’ve identified and corrected information that was omitted in our initial announcement. With the adjustments to Yufine’s skill structure and the addition of the extra turn effect, Yufine’s skills, Dragon’s Roar and Dragon Charge, both had an increase in cooldown by 1 turn each. We apologize for the confusion. Hello, Heirs! This is GM Dominiel! Let’s take a look at what we have in store for you in this week’s update. Players will be able to view this update after the maintenance on 12/19 (Thu). 1. Hero and Artifact Balance Adjustments Balance adjustments will be made to certain Heroes, facilitating better strategies involving them. * The listed probabilities, number of turns, and cooldowns are based on fully enhanced characters. * O

2024.12.18 10:30
작성 시간 12.18.2024

[Maintenance] 12/19 (Thu) Maintenance Notice (Completed) [1]

Hello Heirs! This is GM Dominiel! The Epic Seven maintenance has ended on 12/19 (Thu) at 08:00 UTC. We want to thank our Heirs for their patience and understanding during the maintenance period. ■ 12/19 (Thu) Maintenance Compensation 1. Compensation: Leif x4 (Delivered to your in-game mailbox, Storage Period: 7 Days) 2. Schedule: 12/19 (Thu) after the maintenance – 12/20 (Fri) 14:59 UTC Heirs on the Asia, Korea, and Japan servers will be given their login reward following the update. ■ 12/19 (Thu) Korea/Asia/Japan Server Log In Reward Distribution Details 1. Reward: Energy x50 (Delivered to your in-game mailbox, Storage Period: 7 Days) 2. Schedule: 12/19 (Thu) after the maintenance – 12/19 (Thu) 17:59 UTC We will do our best to provide you with even better service. Thank you. We would like to inform you that we will have an update on 12/19 (Thu). Please see below for more details. ■ 12/19 (Thu) Maintenance Notice 1. Schedule: 12/19 (Thu) 03:00 ~ 08:00 UTC 2. Details: ▶ 12/19 (Thu) Upda

2024.12.18 10:30
작성 시간 12.13.2024

[Maintenance] 12/13(Fri) Patch Information [7]

Hello, Heirs! This is GM Dominiel. Epic Seven will have a patch on 12/13(Fri). Please note that while players may experience some server instability during this time, your game data will be unaffected. Please see below for more details. ■ 12/13(Fri) Patch Information 1. Schedule: 12/13(Fri) 11:10 UTC 2. Details: An issue where the French description of the Artifact [Proof of Friendship] effect differs. ※ Please Note! - Even if the game closes after the patch application, the player’s game data will be unaffected. - Once the patch is distributed, reconnecting to the game will automatically install the patch. - During the patch, you may be abruptly disconnected from the game. Reconnecting the game will allow you to play as normal. - If possible, we ask that our players wait until the patch is over to log into the game. We are extremely sorry for any inconvenience that this may have caused you and we thank you for your patience during the patch. maintenance period. We will continue to do

2024.12.13 11:10