작성 시간 01.10.2025

Shepherd of the Hollow

can you check the 20% evasion rate , everyday i see ml karin avoiding the first atack , today it took me 9 fights before she stop evading the first attack keep in mind that fu**ing players doesnt make them pay , it just make them bored to play

2025.01.10 18:24
작성 시간 01.10.2025

Dark Corvus [1]

i would like to suggest an exclusive equipment for Dark Corvus where he is immune to injury or, like Ravi Fire, injury does not affect his damage.

2025.01.10 14:45
작성 시간 01.10.2025

Cannot Claim with more than 11 Quick Battles

I am unable to claim the 1st reward of this event due to having more than 11 quick battles... It would be nice to at least be able to claim the stamina, but I am forced to clear 9-10 of my quick battles before I can claim it. The problem is that I've already spent all of my stamina on sidestory farming before entering this page so the 100 stamina I claimed was only half as much as I needed to clear the required quick battles for hunt (I forgot it exists in Spirit Altar). I would rather have the excess quick battles nullified while I still get the stamina or just have them claimed separately, so Im not forced to do the quick battles If I dont want to just to get the extra stamina. Please change this.

2025.01.10 14:21
작성 시간 01.04.2025

What if …? Aravi edition

Hypothetically lets say SG is going to buff Aravi in the next adjustment patch what would you change about her so she would be viable again but not the monster she used to be ? me personally i would give her a fun thing like a dual atk counter like she Always activates her soul burn form of s1 whenever the enemy team does a dual/counter atk that would be sick both trying to shut down wet flan and mort I also give her s3 a stun so when she don’t kill at least slow them down and it ignores effect res if the bar thingy is full Let me know what other ideas yall have i think this kit would make her a hell lot more fun to play

2025.01.04 16:55
작성 시간 01.02.2025

About evasion and accu

Now, with the number of characters having evasion well above 50%, the balance team could improve the hit buff for characters like BENIMARU and ML LUDWIG to 100% accuracy. This would be a great help and make these SQUISHY characters useful again.

2025.01.02 04:15
작성 시간 01.02.2025

More Cermia

Dear Smilegate, Please let 2025 be full of Cermia buffs, content, and erotica. Thank you for your consideration.

2025.01.02 03:57
작성 시간 12.30.2024


A GW sandbox mode in which you can test gw defenses from guild members. So you can give reliable feedback. It could also be a different version of rta --- gw def battles. Something of this sort would be a huge improvement.

2024.12.30 14:17
작성 시간 12.28.2024

Smilegate , Please fix the molagora problem. [2]

please just add more molagoras into the game or add more events that give specifically just mola goras or even make then purchasable by gold or something . I understand its important to keep your players active and and keep them spending on your game i know i really get it but at this point its like as a returning player i cant even dream of maxing any units talents . Im not saying just give us infinite amount of them im just saying either balance the amount we obtain daily or just chance the system of them so new or even returning player and older players shouldn’t have to always wait for eternity to max 2 of the new meta units that are going to be useless in 3 weeks , it just feels turning your back on problem with such a simple solution . It even would be nice f we could withdraw the used molagoras on the units that we don’t use anymore even that way i promise you it would make the player experience 200% more enjoyable I think this is such a braindead problem that should’ve been fix

2024.12.28 10:53
작성 시간 12.27.2024

Abyss [1]

I really believe that whomever made this event has the IQ of a braindead monkey. Why in the living hell would you make an event as rng and stupid as this? Have any of the devs even played this event? HOW CAN A NEWER PLAYER DO THESE STAGES WHEN SOME REQUIRE LIMITED OR COLAB UNITS THAT NEVER COME BACK ARE U BRAINDEAD? It has to be the most pointless and frustrating event in all the game.

2024.12.27 13:53
작성 시간 12.22.2024

ML Hwayoung Buff/Adjustment Suggestions [1]

SG, Love the design and animation for the unit, but have her at avg 100 equipment score on destruction/pen and she cannot kill most tanky light units. Some potential suggestions for buffs: Make her first soulburn free (similar to ST Iseria or Lethe) to allow her to at least do her job for 1 turn and make her less reliant on her team comp OR S2, add: when attacking ignores buffs OR Grant passive stats such as CR (e.g., ML Choux) or Attack (similar to her RBG kit) to her passive to improve gearing capability Just my two cents, but currently almost impossible to play reliably in her niche.

2024.12.22 16:43
작성 시간 12.20.2024

Bystander Hwayoung

Zero Hwayoung in 75 draws - here is my suggestion: Make her drop! Don't let me walk all the way to pity! Give me what I want, and i'll give you what you want - money for packs. Everyone arround is getting her, notifications are full of "ABC has summoned Bystander Hwayoung", so grant her to me, as well and i'll keep playing this game and spend some money here and there. Don't tell me about "luck" - this is a coded game and machine code has no luck but triggers. If i don't get her, well, please take that pile of useless gacha dust you cramped me with and try paying your bills with it. Deal? Fine, now let her roll towards my account! I love you if you love me!

2024.12.20 20:38
작성 시간 12.20.2024

Book of Memories update?

Hello, I feel like the Book of Memories has not been updated in awhile. There are certain events I want to access because I missed them but I feel like it's been a year since any stories were revamped. Especially last years Christmas story. I believe it had the Seal of Capture arti but it's been awhile since. The newer seasonal events also boast better loot too. Hopefully some of you guys agree and hopefully it gets touched on. :>

2024.12.20 20:08
작성 시간 12.20.2024

Epilepsy Issues - Limit the amount of flashes

Good afternoon Smilegate! I am not epileptic but over time it feels like the amount of flashes in the game has increased, and it's been causing a couple issues. I understand the need for a "wow flashy effect" as part of receiving items in mobile games, but at times it feels like too much, and I started having to close my eyes to avoid headaches. This issue happens on both PC and mobile. With the current event (thank you by the way, it's very generous!), i feel like it's getting exposed to those flashes has become unavoidable on a daily basis. I would love at least a toggle in settings to remove / tone down the white flashes on screens such as: Event / Winter's Gift / Special Exchange Forest of Souls / All Menus (ESPECIALLY Spirit Well and Penguin Nest) (I have to close my eyes when using the Growth Altar and redeem 50k Stigma worth of penguins) Gatcha pulling animation / The two full white flashes (I also have to close my eyes when rolling, even when not praying for 10-pulling the new

2024.12.20 12:16
작성 시간 12.19.2024

Bystander Hwayoung

Trading Last Rider Krau + Yulha + Zahhak + Abigail for 1 Bystander Hwayoung. Giving 4x for 1 copy. Who's in?

2024.12.19 20:59
작성 시간 12.19.2024

Bystander Hwayoung [4]

0 Hwayoung in 75 draws. Sell account. 10 dollar.

2024.12.19 20:47
작성 시간 12.19.2024

[Global] Lv. 15 / RoninKode / #Check-In_Everyday / #Newbie_Friendly

#Check-In_Everyday #Newbie_Friendly

2024.12.19 12:24
작성 시간 12.18.2024

[Global] Lv. 15 / RoninKode / #Check-In_Everyday / #Newbie_Friendly

#Check-In_Everyday #Newbie_Friendly

2024.12.18 23:35
작성 시간 12.17.2024

p2w arena ,pls bring back old arena

old arena need you to atk all 5 enemy comp to keep winstreak ,but now you just choose the weakest comp ... That's makes weak player like me get attaked more Yes im not that super active player that atk 70+ each week or good at attacking.. but 12/68 17% is a lot right?... I remember getting atked 100+ times... I think this one, its still 2d left Am i just succ and exaggerating this? Idk.... i never reach champ 4

2024.12.17 23:27
작성 시간 12.17.2024

[Global] Lv. 15 / RoninKode / #Check-In_Everyday / #Newbie_Friendly [1]

#Check-In_Everyday #Newbie_Friendly

2024.12.17 19:09
작성 시간 12.17.2024

[Global] Lv. 15 / RoninKode / #Check-In_Everyday / #Newbie_Friendly

#Check-In_Everyday #Newbie_Friendly

2024.12.17 13:11
작성 시간 12.17.2024

Draft Arena Overhaul

Draft arena in my opinion is a very stale game mode and for those who want to use it get into RTA without the units necessary to do it, it doesn't teach them anything. It doesn't teach them how to properly draft (cause the units you get are random and may not get a unit that will help them with the draft which gets to my next point), it's often times super one sided like they have a perfect team to combo off each other but because you have to rely on rng, you may not get a team that can counter theirs. I suggest that draft arena gets changed to become more like RTA where you have the draft arena roster at your full disposal meaning that it goes less from rng on units you are given from the 3 options and your one reset and being able to pick specific units to counter the enemies draft than relying on luck. It will help those who want to get into RTA understand how to draft better, how to counter pick and if you include it, how play around ban protection. I don't remember if that feature

2024.12.17 10:59
작성 시간 12.13.2024

[Global] Lv. 15 / RoninKode / #Check-In_Everyday / #Newbie_Friendly

#Check-In_Everyday #Newbie_Friendly

2024.12.13 12:18
작성 시간 12.12.2024

Rewatch Tutorials Button [1]

Hi Stove, Team E7, GM Dominiel et. al.; May we budget-develop-distribute a “Rewatch Skipped or Played Tutorials” button? Users have asked, but still seek playable answers. So… I skipped the tutorial after beating Zio 4:10-10 (using waaaay to much skystone haha) -by zombie tapping that juicy, glittering button marked “SKIP TUTORIAL” Lol. Wanted to rewatch but can’t find out how by googling, Youtubing, or searching for “tutorial” on ingame browser as well as here OnStove (9 pages btw!) Few viable answers exist. Most answers instruct heirs to switch servers and begin a new account, or start a fresh game. That’s a looooong time just to get some tasty tutorial guidance between episodes. Watching tutorials helps focus resources in-game; that makes for a less confusing, stronger user experience. (Returns more relevant, saleable user location & useage data irl?!) A Rewatch Tutorials button makes sense, here’s why: People have searched for it. -There’s a market for it. The information’s already

2024.12.12 19:08
작성 시간 12.12.2024

[Global] Lv. 15 / RoninKode / #Check-In_Everyday / #Newbie_Friendly

#Check-In_Everyday #Newbie_Friendly

2024.12.12 11:47